
 Year 5,

You have, yet again, been very busy. This week you have calculated with fractions in maths, with a focus on multiplying them by whole numbers and solving word problems. In English, you wrote your persuasive letters as Earth to humans, about their impact on the environment. These were very persuasive and lots of you used the parenthesis and relative clauses we have been working on. History focused on the Viking timeline and in science you joined a STEM talk which was a debate over whether space or oceans were best to study. This week you have also recognised Safer Internet Day and created posters to guide adults on what you think should be taught about it, and you marked Children’s Mental Health week in assembly and this afternoon, where you thought about who you can speak to and who others might rely on.

Next week is half term. On the following week, we will begin our new English, maths and geography topics. You will have a workshop on Tuesday morning (more information on that when we return), and you will have a chance to share your projects with the class. I apologise for there not being time this week but as we discussed, you will have more time to share them by waiting for the first week back.

Next half term, you will be practising your play and so over half term you have the challenge of memorising your lines. Remember that this means learning your words, the expression needed, and the line that comes before. Doing this over half term means that when rehearsals begin you will be able to focus on the performance and acting! Below is a link to the songs so that you have a chance to practise some of these too.

(9) Pot Of Gold - YouTube



-    PE is on Monday, Thursday and Friday. You must have your kit in school

- You must have your script in school every day as we will have rehearsals at different times

-        Reading – please ensure that you read 5 times a week and record this in your Reading Journal. You MUST have your reading book and journal in school every day

-        Spellings – please practise putting spellings into sentences.

-        TimesTables Rockstars and SumDog – Please practise on these as it is crucial that you maintain your learning knowledge – these games help you to maintain what you have already learnt and maybe learn a little before we begin in class


Have a lovely half term.

Mrs Cresswell 😊
