Year 5, You have been very busy this week with a range of areas covered. In English, you applied what you had learnt in poetry and wrote your own animal poems, then performing them. In maths, you worked on rounding numbers and then moved onto recognising and calculating with negative numbers. You have also begun recognising and showing numbers with up to 2 decimal places. In geography, you identified the location of South America, countries within the continent, and considered the climate. In PSHE, you took the perspective of a refugee and considered the challenges they may face, you also decided which aspects of education children should have the right to, and whether everyone always has access to these. You also considered how to be 'Bucket Fillers' by doing kind things for people. Next week, you will be beginning to look at explorers guides in English, and numbers with up to 3 decimal places in maths. You will continue to develop your understanding of search...