
Showing posts from March, 2023


 Year 5, It has been a very busy week yet again. You have rehearsed and performed an amazing play – you all did brilliantly!! You have also considered the nets of different 3D shapes in maths and in English you wrote your own positive raps (performing them with great energy today). In art, you drew figures in proportion and then applied this to drawing a figure moving in some way. You also recapped the Easter story in RE, considering the importance of ‘The Last Supper’ and symbolism within it. You will have an extremely busy half term after Easter so I wish you an enjoyable and restful break before your return on Tuesday 18 th April. Best wishes, Mrs Cresswell

Spellings wc27.3.23

     Below are your spellings for this week. Please practise those which you got wrong or were not confident with. Please put these into sentences as well as trying a spelling challenge as this will help you remember them.  Piece Fiery Pierce Medieval Glacier Relieved Deceit Niece Weigh Neither   Ext: Immediate Conscience Possession Businesses Noticeable Mrs Onley’s group have their individual spellings in their Home Spelling Book to be tested and reviewed on Friday. Please practise these and put them into sentences to help your understanding.  


  Year 5, What a week! You have spent much of it rehearsing for your performances which are next week, and the show is coming together nicely. You have also created your own birds using engineering skills and then written non-chronological reports on these in our English sessions. You have also had the opportunities to participate in a science workshop which had lots of practical experiments, and you visited Bolton’s Park Farm to learn about their livestock (chickens, sheep and cows). Next week it is show time! You will have some more rehearsals on Monday, perform to the school on Tuesday, and then perform to parents on Wednesday afternoon and Thursday evening - please arrive at school between 6 and 6.10pm. You will also be continuing with learning about the geography of the UK, this time the physical geography. You will be considering the features of cubes and cuboids, and will be looking at how nets of shapes work. Remember: -    PE is on Monday, Thurs...

Spellings wc20.3.23

    Below are your spellings for this week. Please practise those which you got wrong or were not confident with. Please put these into sentences as well as trying a spelling challenge as this will help you remember them.  Brief Review Mischief Obedient Shielded Ceiling Perceive Reign Sovereign Weird    Ext: Hindrance Disastrous Sufficient Aggressive Equipped  Mrs Onley’s group have their individual spellings in their Home Spelling Book to be tested and reviewed on Friday. Please practise these and put them into sentences to help your understanding.  


 Year 5, We've had another busy week with lots going on. This week you have written an instruction text on how to turn your teacher into all sorts of weird and wonderful things! In maths, you applied learning on area and perimeter to problem solving and calculated the perimeter of composite shapes. As part of science week, you have participated in STEM talks on the moon and connecting communities with power. You have researched birds in preparation for next week’s competition. You also planted the potatoes that have been chitting for the last couple of weeks, and had the opportunity to participate in a drumming workshop which was great fun. Next week, you will be writing about your bird in English. In maths, you will be working with volume and capacity. We will be continuing the science week elements, by learning about air and water resistance in science and you will create your birds for the competition. As it is our final week before the production, we will be spending most o...

Spellings wc13.3.23

   Below are your spellings for this week. Please practise those which you got wrong or were not confident with. Please put these into sentences as well as trying a spelling challenge as this will help you remember them.  Familiar Thorough Appreciate Attached Mischievous Recommend Foreign Curiosity  Pronunciation Exaggerate   Ext: Leisure Relevant Muscle Breath Miniscule  Mrs Onley’s group have their individual spellings in their Home Spelling Book to be tested and reviewed on Friday. Please practise these and put them into sentences to help your understanding.  


 Year 5, This week you have been busy completing a wide variety of learning. In English, you planned your instruction text, and in maths you calculated area and perimeter. You marked maths day by applying your understanding of area and perimeter to create the floorplan of a house. In art, you considered what new life and spring can be represented by and then sketched flowers and animals that show this. Some of you began turning these sketched into monoprints. You have also been working hard on rehearsing for the production and were joined by Ricky from Newsround to learn about children in Ukraine. SOme have requested the link to his Newsround special - please remember to talk to an adult about this and to discuss anything that may upset you.  BBC iPlayer - Newsround Specials - Ukraine: The Children’s Story    Next week you will be writing your instructions in English, and working on perimeter in maths. You will have a chance to print your designs in art and will ...

Spellings wc6.3.23

  Below are your spellings for this week. Please practise those which you got wrong or were not confident with. Please put these into sentences as well as trying a spelling challenge as this will help you remember them.  Appreciate Average Criticise Desperate Awkward Determined Frequently Government Neighbour Nuisance   Ext: sufficient breath yacht breathe marvellous  Mrs Onley’s group have their individual spellings in their Home Spelling Book to be tested and reviewed on Friday. Please practise these and put them into sentences to help your understanding.  


 Year 5, I hope you have had a positive week and enjoyed the learning set for you. In English, you have revised grammar, continued working on our class text and have celebrated World Book Day. In maths, you have been problem solving and looking at converting between units of measure. You have also learnt about Passover and the Seder Plate in RE. Next week we will be beginning a new focus for English which involves instructions, and in maths we will be moving onto area. We will be printing in art, and we will be finding time to rehearse for the show. Half term project This half term, your project is all about the production. You must learn your lines, cues and actions. You must learn the lyrics and dances to the songs. When we have looked at what we have, you may be asked to organise some of a costume (this will be ready soon). Remember: -    PE is on Monday, Thursday and Friday. You must have your kit in school - You must have your script in school...