
Showing posts from May, 2023


Year 5, It has been another busy week. You have finished writing your chapters in English and have drawn and measured angles in maths. In computing you have sorted and searched multiple fields and in PSHE you have considered how the media impacts body image. You have learnt about the work of Andy Warhol and created some of your own designs in art and you had a chance to play you maths games which were very engaging! On Thursday it was great to see you all participate in the mini-marathon too. Remember: -    PE is on Monday, Thursday and Friday. You must have your kit in school -        Reading – please ensure that you read 5 times a week and record this in your Reading Journal. You MUST have your reading book and journal in school every day -        Spellings – please practise putting spellings into sentences. -        TimesTables Rockstars and Su...

Spellings wc22.5.23

        Below are your spellings for this week. Please practise those which you got wrong or were not confident with. Please put these into sentences as well as trying a spelling challenge as this will help you remember them.  Nonsense Composition Impatient Irregular Illegible Intergalactic Creation Nervousness Cyclist Woolen    Ext: neighbourly consciousness parliamentary unaccompanied controversial Mrs Onley’s group have their individual spellings in their Home Spelling Book to be tested and reviewed on Friday. Please practise these and put them into sentences to help your understanding.  


 Year 5, It has been quite a week. You have completed a full set of 2017 SATs papers so that you have an understanding of what it is like to sit a test of this type. You have identified, compared and ordered angles in maths and in English you have recapped direct and reported speech while continuing your Nowhere Emporium chapters. In science, you finished learning about forces by studying air resistance with spinners and learning about the importance of levers, pulleys and gears. On Thursday, you had the opportunity to visit Stanborough Lakes for a watersports day, which you all appeared to thoroughly enjoy. Next week, you will be estimating and measuring angles in maths and in English you will be recapping parenthesis and applying it to your writing. You will also have a chance to share your projects so you must ensure that they are in for the Monday deadline. On Thursday, your will also be attending the Oakmere Mini Marathon in the morning.  Half term project – Masters...

Spellings wc15.5.23

This week your spellings are the ones you got wrong in the practice SATs spelling paper last Tuesday. Below are the full set of words but you have written your specific ones in your Reading Journal. If you are in Mrs Onley's group, you have the spellings in your Home Spelling book  for 'test 12.5.23' as we did not do these on Friday. likely straight sensation nervous crumb probable inspiring substance operation toughest bruise sensibly violence disobeyed thorough monarch sympathetic originally percussion coarse

Lincolnsfields Day 3

 Today was our final day at Lincolnsfields and we didn't slow down! After a much better night's sleep, we began the day with a breakfast of cereal, toast and scrambled egg. We then played some games in the indoor classroom before beginning our morning of activities. We split in to our 2 groups and took turns playing UniHoc and roller skating (it was lovely to see so many of you show resilience and improve so much in one session). We then ate lunch, played a few more games and returned to school.  I imagine you will be having a restful weekend and look forward to seeing you next week where we will be completing a range of learning including continuing your chapters based on 'The Nowhere Emporium'.  Have a lovely weekend. Mrs Cresswell

Lincolnsfields Day 2

 Day 2! After a reasonable night’s sleep, we rose ready for a breakfast of cereal and beans on toast. We then split into 2 groups and began the Children at War experience, which was a brilliant experience. We learnt about the life of people in the war and items they would have in their houses. We discovered the ways people grew their own food in their victory gardens, how they had Anderson shelters in the gardens, and how the children would be taught at school, and taught how to work with their street to put out house fires.   We also had a war veteran teach us about life in the war, the blitz, talk us through museum objects and show us how heavy the weapons (a perfectly safe replica) and sacks were that the military would have used.  After lunch, we went to the woods to compete in groups to find and name flags of the world (we all did very well!). We also had the chance to enjoy some parachute games. After dinner, we were surprised with the chance to ride in a military j...

Lincolnsfields Day 1

   Lincolnsfields Day 1! It has been a brilliant, busy beginning to our trip. Our journey on the coach was one of the most musical I have experienced; with various renditions of 'If your happy and you know it', 'Barbie Girl', and both German and English versions of Silent Night. We arrived, had a briefing and then went straight into our first activity. We were in 3 groups and had to find our way around the site using a map and numbers. We had to solve 10 riddles, a few of which had the children (and adults) stumped. We enjoyed our lunches and then headed to the woods where we played ‘floor is lava’ and ‘the wind game’ amongst the bluebells; working on our teamwork. When it began to rain, we spent some time in the soft play. We returned to our dorms to make our beds – some were quicker than others (it took some an hour but they got there). Then it was time for dinner – the pudding of chocolate brownie and custard was definitely the winner. After pausing for 30 minu...