
Showing posts from October, 2024


Good afternoon all,  How are we already at half term?! I feel this year will fly by. Well done to all children who showed their project this week - I was very impressed and learnt so much. Thank you all.  I do hope I will see you all during half term at our Fireworks event on 2nd November . It would be lovely to see you in attendance, it would be even better to have you volunteer to help run the event. We still need people to help run the even and it would be amazing if you could help. Without volunteers we are unable to run these events which raise money for our children. If you can help at all please contact myself or any members of the PTA. Thank you so much and I hope to see you all there!  500 Words Challenge I would like all Year 5 children to enter the BBC's 500 Words Challenge. We need to submit these stories by  Friday 8 November 2024 . All children need to do is write a story they would love to read in 500 Words   or less . I have registered mysel...

This week's poems

  On The Ning Nang Nong On the Ning Nang Nong Where the Cows go Bong! and the monkeys all say BOO! There's a Nong Nang Ning  Where the trees go Ping! And the tea pots jibber jabber joo. On the Nong Ning Nang  All the mice go Clang  And you just can't catch 'em when they do! So its Ning Nang Nong Cows go Bong! Nong Nang Ning Trees go ping Nong Ning Nang The mice go Clang What a noisy place to belong is the Ning Nang Ning Nang Nong!! Spike Milligan 'Please do not feed the animals...'  Please do not feed the ostriches sandwiches or the polar bears éclairs. Do not offer the wombats kumquats or the rattle-snakes fruit-cakes. Remember that piranhas are not allowed bananas or partridges sausages. Never approach a stork with things on a fork or the bustard with a plate of custard. No leopard likes anything peppered and meerkats dislike Kit Kats. Remember that grapes upset apes and meringues do the same for orang-utans. Most importantly– do not feed the cheetah your teac...


  Good afternoon all,  Our space projects are due in on Monday - I'm looking forward to see them all.  500 Words Challenge I would like all Year 5 children to enter the BBC's 500 Words Challenge. We need to submit these stories by  Friday 8 November 2024 . All children need to do is write a story they would love to read in 500 Words   or less . We would love children of all abilities to enter; spelling, punctuation and grammar are not marked - it's all about creativity! 50 finalists will be invited to go to a glamorous grand final at Buckingham Palace in February next year, where the bronze, silver and gold winners in each category will have their stories read out by celebrities. There are also lots of prizes to be won - each winner will take home a bundle of books and the gold winners also win 500 books for their school library. Children can only submit one story each. There are very few rules on 500 Words but a few points to remember: All the stories...


 Spellings  Test 21st October  Dogs  accommodate  accompany  according  achieve  aggressive amateur ancient  apparent  appreciate  attached  available  average  awkward  Wolves shout  shirt  shape  shaking  sharp  shock  wish  rush


  Good afternoon all,  I am very proud to announce that Year 5 placed in 10th place in the Sumdog competition! This was an incredible achievement as there were 137 classes taking place. We also had three of our children placing in the top 50 students and Year 5 were to top class on Thursday's daily leaderboard. Well done Year 5 - you should be extremely proud of your efforts!  500 Words Challenge I would like all Year 5 children to enter the BBC's 500 Words Challenge. We need to submit these stories by  Friday 8 November 2024 . All children need to do is write a story they would love to read in 500 Words   or less . We would love children of all abilities to enter; spelling, punctuation and grammar are not marked - it's all about creativity! 50 finalists will be invited to go to a glamorous grand final at Buckingham Palace in February next year, where the bronze, silver and gold winners in each category will have their stories read out by celebrities. There...


 Test 14th October  Dogs isle  aisle  aloud  allowed affect effect herd heard  past  passed  Wolves chalk  change  chart  chat  chief  child  choice  cheap chase check


  Good afternoon all,  We have had a great day today - lots of science investigating and our harvest coffee morning! Thank you to all of your support today coming to our harvest coffee morning - supported by our wonderful PTA! If any of you could volunteer at our fireworks event, please do let me or any PTA members know. Your support is necessary for these events to go ahead. Thank you!  500 Words Challenge I would like all Year 5 children to enter the BBC's 500 Words Challenge. We need to submit these stories by Friday 8 November 2024 . All children need to do is write a story they would love to read in 500 Words or less . We would love children of all abilities to enter; spelling, punctuation and grammar are not marked - it's all about creativity! 50 finalists will be invited to go to a glamorous grand final at Buckingham Palace in February next year, where the bronze, silver and gold winners in each category will have their stories read out by celebrities. There ...