What a week - from science workshops to World Book Day, we have had an awesome week in Year 5. The fun doesn't stop there either as I have a planetarium workshop booked for the children on Monday and the following Monday we have our STEM trip to Legoland where we will look at the science of rollercoasters. Half term project - What a Knight! Learn your words, lyrics to the songs, dances and sort/make costume. I have spoken to you about your costumes. Here are some pictures below for inspiration. Any issues please email me. King and queen Princesses Jake the Jester Knight Scratch and Sniff Black Knight's guards Earl Axminster Kitty Cobblers/ Maid Molly Ernie and Bernie Lester / Lords Spellings (test 10/03) Wolves device devise advice advise practice practise Dogs device devise advice advise practice practise prophecy...