
Showing posts from September, 2021

Spellings wc27.9.21

     Please ensure that you practice your spellings through the week. We have our pre-test on Monday and test on Friday (using the same words in a different order). I will be looking for an improvement in your score between the pre-test and test. As discussed in class, please put your spellings into sentences on paper as this will help you to learn the meaning as well as the spelling.   aisle isle aloud allowed altar alter farther father guessed guest heard herd morning mourning past passed affect effect there their   If you are in Mrs Onley’s group, you should have your spellings in your Home Spelling book either today or tomorrow and these will be tested on Friday.  


 Year 5, It has been yet another busy week and you have completed a large amount of learning. In maths, you have learnt about working with negative numbers and then reminded yourselves of decimal numbers and have compared and ordered them in a range of ways. In English, you have created weird and wonderful creatures and have planned your explanation texts ready for next week. You have learnt about why the sun appears to move across the sky and how we have day and night, and have created lovely posters for the firework poster competition. You have continued to work on your handwriting in the mornings and your maths fluency in the afternoons. Today you have really pushed yourselves in our Spanish learning when describing the planets of the solar system using only Spanish. You also created some striking pieces of artwork themed around the work of Gaudi. Next week you will be writing your explanation texts in English, I look forward to learning about how I look after all of these...

Spellings wc20.9.21

    Please ensure that you practice your spellings through the week. We have our pre-test on Monday and test on Friday (using the same words in a different order). I will be looking for an improvement in your score between the pre-test and test. As discussed in class, please put your spellings into sentences on paper as this will help you to learn the meaning as well as the spelling.   Horrible Adorable Terrible Forgivable Incredible Possible Disposable Sensible Edible Enjoyable Reliable Reversible Valuable Respectable Invincible Breakable Agreeable Legible Identifiable Enviable    If you are in Mrs Onley’s group, you should have your spellings in your Home Spelling book either today or tomorrow and these will be tested on Friday.  

Meet the Teacher

 Please find images of the slides from Meet the Teacher below.