
Showing posts from November, 2021

Spellings wc29.11.21

  Please ensure that you practice your spellings through the week. We have our pre-test on Monday and test on Friday (using the same words in a different order). I will be looking for an improvement in your score between the pre-test and test. As discussed in class, please put your spellings into sentences on paper as this will help you to learn the meaning as well as the spelling.  co-ordinate co-operate co-own co-author co-exist re-enter re-examine re-evaluate re-emerge re-ignite re-invent re-energise Ext: bad-tempered cold-hearted hot-headed jet-propelled mean-spirited If you are in Mrs Onley’s group, you should have your spellings in your Home Spelling book either today or tomorrow and these will be tested on Friday.    


   Good afternoon Year 5, I have been really impressed by your approach towards your learning this week. You have now unpicked and planned an Ancient Greek myth and I am very excited to read your writing once it has begun. In Maths, you have secured long multiplication and begun to apply it to problems and in Science you discussed the thermal insulator and conductor properties of materials before planning and undertaking an experiment. You also recorded and concluded your results. Our History topic has continued and you have become warriors and understood how they organised their warfare. Next week, you will finish your plans and begin writing your myths by looking at the setting and introducing your main character. In Maths, we will be looking at written division and applying this to problems. In History, we will begin looking at the daily lives of the Ancient Greeks. In computing we will populate a spreadsheet with your data from today and use this to create graphs, and ...

Spellings wc22.11.21

   Please ensure that you practice your spellings through the week. We have our pre-test on Monday and test on Friday (using the same words in a different order). I will be looking for an improvement in your score between the pre-test and test. As discussed in class, please put your spellings into sentences on paper as this will help you to learn the meaning as well as the spelling.  equipment interfere privilege stomach achieve conscience especially interrupt   their they’re there which witch with  Ext: mystical parliament conscious  signature If you are in Mrs Onley’s group, you should have your spellings in your Home Spelling book either today or tomorrow and these will be tested on Friday.  


  Year 5, This has been quite a week. You have written diaries as Herakles, considered the importance of Jerusalem to multiple faiths and learnt how to tell the time in Spanish. In Maths, you have developed your use of addition and subtraction including written methods and in History considered whether you’d rather be Spartan or Athenian – with some great reasons given. Alongside this, you have participated in Anti-Bullying week through your odd socks on Monday, creating anti-racism ribbons and creating anti-bullying mini-movies from notes, to scripts, to filming and editing.  Next week, you will continue to develop your formal written methods in Maths but this time with multiplication. We will finish reading ‘The 12 labours of Herakles’ in English and then begin to plan your own version. We will also continue to read ‘Who let the gods out’ and find out a little more about Thanatos’ plan. In Science, we will plan and undertake an investigation. Our History will look at som...

Spellings wc15.11.21

  Please ensure that you practice your spellings through the week. We have our pre-test on Monday and test on Friday (using the same words in a different order). I will be looking for an improvement in your score between the pre-test and test. As discussed in class, please put your spellings into sentences on paper as this will help you to learn the meaning as well as the spelling.  Accompany Community Equipped Individual Prejudice Soldier According Competition Communicate Sincerely Immediately Physical Accommodate Equip  Ext: committee environment immediate persuade sincere If you are in Mrs Onley’s group, you should have your spellings in your Home Spelling book either today or tomorrow and these will be tested on Friday.  


    Year 5, Another full-on week and another impressive range of learning. This week you have painted and written beautiful pieces of learning relating to Remembrance, including some very poignant cinquains. You demonstrated fantastic levels of respect and real consideration of others when completing the 2 minutes silence. In Maths, you considered a range of mental methods for addition and subtraction and in science you identified and classified different materials that are used around school; then considering the reason for their use. In History, you studied the geography of Greece and ancient Greece as we began our new topic. Next week is ‘Anti-Bullying week’ and we will be theming our learning on Monday around this. Be sure to wear odd socks on Monday as it is ‘Odd Socks Day’ to celebrate that everyone is different . You will be beginning a new focus in English and it will result in a myth over the next few weeks. You will be using your refreshed knowledge of fronted ad...

Half term project - Ancient Greece

  Your project for this half term –  The Wonders of Greece   As you know, this half term we are studying Ancient Greece in History. I would like you to study some of the areas of Ancient Greece that we will not have time to cover in detail. Your learning outcome could be a PowerPoint, a Word processed or handwritten project, a model or sculpture. This should demonstrate the research you have put in over the weeks before the deadline of Friday 10 th  December, when you will share your learning with the class.   You could study:  Greek theatre  The Parthenon/ temples  The first Olympics  The everyday lives of Ancient Greeks  Greek astronomy  The Battle of Troy (and the Trojan horse)  The mapping and geography of Ancient Greece  Ancient Greek soldiers  Ancient Greek Myths  

Spellings wc8.11.21

  Please ensure that you practice your spellings through the week. We have our pre-test on Monday and test on Friday (using the same words in a different order). I will be looking for an improvement in your score between the pre-test and test. As discussed in class, please put your spellings into sentences on paper as this will help you to learn the meaning as well as the spelling.  Buses Balloons Parties Schools Potatoes Ropes Babies Patches Tries Boxes   Ext: Accommodate Communicate Equip Immediately Physical Sincerely   If you are in Mrs Onley’s group, you should have your spellings in your Home Spelling book either today or tomorrow and these will be tested on Friday.    

Spellings wc1.11.21

  Please ensure that you practice your spellings through the week. We have our pre-test on Monday and test on Friday (using the same words in a different order). I will be looking for an improvement in your score between the pre-test and test. As discussed in class, please put your spellings into sentences on paper as this will help you to learn the meaning as well as the spelling. These are words you have covered before but we could do with revising (remember some are homophones). Some of you have an extension specific to you as you scored full marks in the pre-test. Be sure to work on your words. Though Allowed Heard Enough Opportunity Thought Plough Marvellous Twelfth Passed If you are in Mrs Onley’s group, you should have your spellings in your Home Spelling book either today or tomorrow and these will be tested on Friday.