
Showing posts from January, 2022

Spellings wc31.1.22

  Below are this week's spellings. Please ensure that you practise these.   Please put these into sentences  and submit them on Teams  as well as trying a spelling challenge as this will help you remember them.  Steel Steal Alter Altar Their There They’re Aloud Allowed Bridal Bridle   Determined Awkward Vegetable Rhyme Neighbour   Ext: Frequently Desperate Average Variety Restaurant     If you are in Mrs Onley's group, you have your spellings in your Home Spelling book.


 Year 5, You have had a very creative week this week. In English you have used your research to plan a persuasive letter as Earth in order to persuade humans to be more environmentally friendly and in maths you have been adding and subtracting fractions. In the afternoons you have considered effective use of searches and whether information is fake or not (sorry about the penguins!). You have also completed your stunning final pieces in art. They are really well proportioned and shaded. In RE, you have considered symbols important to Jews and you worked well when separating mixtures in science. We have also had a chat about Lincolnsfield which has hopefully answered some of your questions.  Next week you will be writing your persuasive letters in English and covering problem solving and multiplying fractions in maths. In art you will be developing your watercolour skills, and you will consider reversible and irreversible changes in science. In computing you will be looking...

Spellings wc24.1.22

    Below are this week's spellings. Please ensure that you practise the ones you found tricky in today's pre-test so that you can improve your score on Friday.   Please put these into sentences (on TEAMs) as well as trying a spelling challenge as this will help you remember them. Horribly Adorably Terribly Enjoyably Possibly Reliably Legibly Incredibly Agreeably Respectably   Ext: Bargain Vehicle Rhythm Nuisance Government  If you are in Mrs Onley's group, you have your spellings in your Home Spelling book - these are the words you did not get correct in today's test.     


  Year 5, What a busy week. You began the week by becoming Vikings and learning all about them. You have since written a very long list of facts we were taught about weapons, clothing, food and practices. You have used our English lessons to gather information on air pollution, plastic pollution and deforestation in preparation for next week and in the afternoon you have developed your sketching and shading skills when recreating insect drawings. IN maths you have worked more with fractions and in RE you considered symbols with meaning to Christians. Next week we will be continuing our English topic with some persuasive writing and our maths with continue to be based around fractions, but this time calculating with them. We will be undertaking an experiment in science and you will complete your final piece in art. RE will be looking at symbols with meaning to Jews and PSHE will be considering dreams and goals. Remember: -    Clubs return next week -   ...

Spellings wc17.1.22

   Below are this week's spellings. Please ensure that you practise the ones you found tricky in today's pre-test so that you can improve your score on Friday.   Please put these into sentences (on TEAMs) as well as trying a spelling challenge as this will help you remember them. Pollution Deforestation Endangered Traumatised Recommend Environment Convenience Management Regenerate  Necessary  Ext: yacht sacrifice occupy guarantee develop If you are in Mrs Onley's group, you have your spellings in your Home Spelling book.   

Half term project - Artist Study

  Your project for this half term –  Artist Study   This half term I would like you to focus your project on a particular artist. Your learning outcome should include a written section and a creative section. The written part could be a PowerPoint presentation, a Word processed or a handwritten project. Please ensure that this is your own work and not copied directly from somewhere else (remember our learning on copywrite). The creative part could be a drawing, painting, model making or sculpture but must be inspired by the artist you have researched. This should demonstrate the research you have put in over the weeks before the deadline of Monday 7th February, when you will share your learning with the class.   You could study (but are not restricted to):  Stephen Wiltshire Vincent Van Gogh Barbara Hepworth Charles Rennie Mackintosh Freida Kahlo


 Year 5, It has been another very productive week. You have learnt, performed and written your own narrative poems; considering rhythm and rhyme. In maths, you have compared and ordered fractions with different denominators. You completed your experiments and considered your results in science and you spent an afternoon designing and creating Viking shields – thank you for bringing in your cardboard. Next week we will begin with our Viking workshop day where you will learn all about the Vikings. Remember to dress up (no uniform required for the day); in the email sent to parents it suggests what you can use that you probably already have at home. We will continue with fractions in maths next week. English will be focus on the environment, which is why your spellings are themed. We will spend a number of the afternoons based on a short art project which will develop your art skills and will also have a little science involved too. I have already completed your spelling pre-tes...

Spellings wc10.1.22

  Below are this week's spellings. Please ensure that you practise the ones you found tricky in today's pre-test so that you can improve your score on Friday.   Please put these into sentences (on TEAMs) as well as trying a spelling challenge as this will help you remember them. Profession Sufficient Aggressive Conscious Exaggerate Language Programme Suggest Amateur Controversy Ext: Bruise Dictionary Harass Occur Secretary   If you are in Mrs Onley’s group, you  have your spellings in your Home Spelling book and these will be tested on Friday.    


  Year 5, Well that was a short first week back! However, we have managed to squeeze a lot in. Most of you have now shared your Ancient Greece projects; well done for the quality of these. We have introduced our new class text ‘The Nowhere Emporium’ and predicted what might happen. You have also evaluated your biscuits form last term and completed your double-page spreads on the daily lives of ancient Greeks. You have also selected your poems to perform on Monday.   Next week, you will perform your poems in groups on Monday’s English lesson and then try writing some of your own over the week. In maths, you will continue with fractions; comparing equivalent fractions. You will be creating Viking shields (please remember your cardboard on Monday or Tuesday) and will begin our next PSHE topic. You will also get a chance to undertake your science experiments that were planned last term. We will also resume our guided reading sessions.   Over this half term we will c...