Year 5,
Well that was a
short first week back! However, we have managed to squeeze a lot in. Most of
you have now shared your Ancient Greece projects; well done for the quality of
these. We have introduced our new class text ‘The Nowhere Emporium’ and
predicted what might happen. You have also evaluated your biscuits form last
term and completed your double-page spreads on the daily lives of ancient
Greeks. You have also selected your poems to perform on Monday.
Next week, you
will perform your poems in groups on Monday’s English lesson and then try
writing some of your own over the week. In maths, you will continue with fractions;
comparing equivalent fractions. You will be creating Viking shields (please
remember your cardboard on Monday or Tuesday) and will begin our next PSHE
topic. You will also get a chance to undertake your science experiments that
were planned last term. We will also resume our guided reading sessions.
Over this half
term we will cover the following:
Persuasive letter (environmental focus) – note taking, research from a
range of sources, writing focusing on vocabulary choices, modal verbs, relative
clauses and varied sentence structures.
Poetry (Narrative)– Performance with intonation and movement, writing with
specific vocabulary building for impact.
Narrative (Mystery and suspense) – vocabulary choices, authorial voice,
figurative language, sentences structures for impact.
Spellings – pre-test, test and practise (please also practise at
Handwriting – practise of specific formations and in presentation of
learning at pace
Comparing fractions
Adding and subtracting fractions
Problem solving using all four operations
Multiply fractions by whole numbers
Fraction problem solving
Measure – converting units of measure
Volume and capacity
Problem solving percentages
Continuing with studying materials; separating materials, reversible and
irreversible changes.
Environmental change – link with English
Studying an influential scientist.
Creating and publishing; using the internet and different tools
available, researching with refined searches, creating a webpage.
Art and D&T
Using watercolour; texture, shading and using colour to evoke feeling.
Designing and creating frame structures using woodworking tools.
Studying the Anglo-Saxons vs Vikings, with a focus on Vikings.
Considering symbolic
ways of expressing meaning, exploring the incarnation through the Christmas story,
and Belonging to a community, individual commitment and religious leadership.
Dreams and
are not returning initially – please refer to the letter sent to parents
begins again on Wednesday
– please ensure that you read 5 times a week and record this in your Reading
Journal. You MUST have your reading book and journal in school every day
– please practise putting spellings into sentences. These are now going to be
set on TEAMS as well as shared on the blog.
Rockstars and SumDog – Please practise on these as it is crucial that you
maintain your learning knowledge – these games help you to maintain what you
have already learnt and maybe learn a little before we begin in class
Have a lovely
Huntley 😊
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