Year 5, It has been quite a week. In maths you have completed problem solving with percentages and have begun looking at the nets of 3D shapes. You have completed 5 hours of coding which has seen you grow in confidence with using coding blocks. You have also spent much of the week rehearsing ready for next week’s performances. The level of improvement over the week is incredible. Next week, it’s showtime!! On Monday morning, you will be performing your dress rehearsal to the school, and then on Wednesday afternoon, Thursday afternoon and Thursday evening you will be performing to your adults. We will also have more normal lessons next week. In English, you will have the chance to write your next chapter for The Nowhere Emporium based on your plans. In maths, you will continue to work with nets and then move onto some symmetry. We will also aim to cover some more PSHE and geography. This week, the Sumdog competition began and it runs until next Friday. Remember to play the co...