
Showing posts from March, 2022

Spellings wc28.3.22

 This week you have looked back at your spellings from the past term to create a personal list to work on. Please work on these like you normally would. These will be your spellings for over the Easter break too. 


 Year 5, It has been quite a week. In maths you have completed problem solving with percentages and have begun looking at the nets of 3D shapes. You have completed 5 hours of coding which has seen you grow in confidence with using coding blocks. You have also spent much of the week rehearsing ready for next week’s performances. The level of improvement over the week is incredible. Next week, it’s showtime!! On Monday morning, you will be performing your dress rehearsal to the school, and then on Wednesday afternoon, Thursday afternoon and Thursday evening you will be performing to your adults. We will also have more normal lessons next week. In English, you will have the chance to write your next chapter for The Nowhere Emporium based on your plans. In maths, you will continue to work with nets and then move onto some symmetry. We will also aim to cover some more PSHE and geography. This week, the Sumdog competition began and it runs until next Friday. Remember to play the co...

Spellings wc21.3.22

       Below are this week's spellings. Please ensure that you practise these.   Please put these into sentences  and submit them on Teams  as well as trying a spelling challenge as this will help you remember them.    Muscle Relevant Twelfth Available Definite Forty Necessary Restaurant Variety Average     Ext:  Parliament Hindrance Committee Guarantee Rhythm     Mrs Onley’s group have their individual spellings. Please practise these and put them into sentences to help your understanding.    


 Year 5, This has been a rather unusual but equally busy week. In maths you have worked with percentages; considering their equivalences as fractions and decimals, and calculating percentages of amounts. In English, you have planned your chapter inspired by ‘The Nowhere Emporium’, while also continuing to read the class text. You have considered the importance of Baptism to Christians in RE, and have developed your understanding of friction in science. Today you marked Red Nose Day and learnt a little more about the purpose of it. You have also undertaken a number of rehearsals for the production. Next week, rehearsals will be our main focus in the afternoons. We have an exciting opportunity to participate in online computing workshops throughout the week so these will be happening too. We will continue to work with percentages in maths and begin to write your chapters in English, as well as continuing to read ‘The Nowhere Emporium’.   Remember: -    You mu...

Spellings wc14.3.22

     Below are this week's spellings. Please ensure that you practise these.   Please put these into sentences  and submit them on Teams  as well as trying a spelling challenge as this will help you remember them.     Below are this week's spellings. Please ensure that you practise these. Please put these into sentences and submit them on Teams as well as trying a spelling challenge as this will help you remember them.   Develop Envelop Envelope Accept Deception Reception Conception Instruct Instruction Destruction   Ext:   Aggressive Equipped Sufficient Marvellous Nuisance    Mrs Onley’s group have their individual spellings. Please practise these and put them into sentences to help your understanding.  


 Year 5, This week you have done amazingly when working with fractions, decimals and percentages in maths. In English, you used the language from ‘The Nowhere Emporium’ to create brilliantly detailed pictures and you created your own Wonders inspired by the book. You have given your opinions on food in Spanish and found facts on the different counties in the UK for geography. In PSHE, we have discussed the impacts of smoking and why people may be drawn in to it in the first place. You also had your final swimming session. We have also been blocking out some of the scenes for the play and participated in a STEM talk on plants today which resulted in lots of questions from you.   Next week we will begin planning and writing in English; this will be based on your Wonder artwork from this week. In maths we will focus on percentages including solving some problems involving them. You will develop your map skills in geography and will consider a specific force in science. In R...

Spellings wc7.3.22

     Below are this week's spellings. Please ensure that you practise these.   Please put these into sentences  and submit them on Teams  as well as trying a spelling challenge as this will help you remember them.  Temperature Appreciate Criticise Familiar Mischievous Recommend Thorough Attached Curiosity Foreign   Ext: Muscle Relevant Exaggerate Pronunciation Leisure    Mrs Onley’s group have their individual spellings. Please practise these and put them into sentences to help your understanding.    


  Year 5, It has been a very productive week. In English, you completed your instructions which were extremely detailed and well thought through. You solved problems involving area in maths and created graphs comparing the climate of the UK with another country in computing. You considered the force of Gravity in science and identified key geographical features of the UK in geography. You have completed blocking of scenes 1,2 and 3 of the production and many of you have begun to learn your lines which is essential. Thursday was World Book Day where you wore brilliant outfits and explained which books inspired them. You spent the day focussed on the book ‘Freefall’ and had some lovely ideas based upon the story.   Next week, in English we will be focussing on The Nowhere Emporium in more detail, with another couple of reading sessions as well as getting more creative with it. We will be looking at volume and capacity in maths and will continue to block scenes of the play....