
 Year 5,

This week you have done amazingly when working with fractions, decimals and percentages in maths. In English, you used the language from ‘The Nowhere Emporium’ to create brilliantly detailed pictures and you created your own Wonders inspired by the book. You have given your opinions on food in Spanish and found facts on the different counties in the UK for geography. In PSHE, we have discussed the impacts of smoking and why people may be drawn in to it in the first place. You also had your final swimming session. We have also been blocking out some of the scenes for the play and participated in a STEM talk on plants today which resulted in lots of questions from you.


Next week we will begin planning and writing in English; this will be based on your Wonder artwork from this week. In maths we will focus on percentages including solving some problems involving them. You will develop your map skills in geography and will consider a specific force in science. In RE you will look at a special event for Christians and we will continue to practise for the play. You should have your lines learnt and you must bring in your outfits on Monday. Please try to bring in a hanger as we can then hang them up on the rail.



-    You must be signed up to attend clubs

-    You must have your script in school every day

-        Reading – please ensure that you read 5 times a week and record this in your Reading Journal. You MUST have your reading book and journal in school every day

-        Spellings – please practise putting spellings into sentences. These are set on TEAMs as well as shared on the blog.

-        TimesTables Rockstars and SumDog – Please practise on these as it is crucial that you maintain your learning knowledge – these games help you to maintain what you have already learnt and maybe learn a little before we begin in class

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Huntley  😊



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