
Showing posts from May, 2022


  Year 5, It has been a great week with lots of different activities linked to the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. You have painted plates, produced artwork and written poems all based on that theme. You also participated in the Mini Marathon and played lots of your maths project games, which was great to see. Next half term will be just as busy, with us beginning a range of new topics. Thank you for all of your well wishes and congratulations despite my not being in today. Have a lovely half term and I will see you soon. Miss H Huntley 😊


Year 5, It has been a hot and busy week this week. You have solved a range of problems involving multiplication and division in maths, and have begun reading ‘The Eye of the Wolf' in English. Half of you competed in an athletics competition and the other half began our design and technology based frame structures. In PSHE, we discussed what you already knew about alcohol and then developed this while looking at a possible scenario. Alongside all of this, you have also completed a range of papers which show what you already know in maths and English, and the things we still need to work on. Next week is the final week of the half term and we will focus on the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. We will be plate decorating, practising our class song based on the 1960s, and continuing the theme of 1960s when producing a piece of artwork through printing. We will be writing poems based around the theme of celebration and you will have the opportunity to play your maths project games too! On ...

Spellings wc16.5.22

 This week you sat a spellings paper. Below are the spellings that were given. Please practise those which you got wrong or were not confident with. Please put these into sentences  and submit them on Teams  as well as trying a spelling challenge as this will help you remember them. Likely Straight Sensation Nervous Crumb Probable Inspiring Substance Operation Toughest Bruise Sensibly Violence Disobeyed Thorough Monarch Sympathetic Originally Percussion Coarse Ext: familiarisation sacrificial exuberant exhausted occasionally   Mrs Onley’s group have their individual spellings. Please practise these and put them into sentences to help your understanding.  


 Year 5, We have had a busy week with lots of different learning. In English, you used our trip to Lincolnsfields as inspiration for a leaflet to persuade others to visit. In Maths, you measured and drew angles, and calculated missing angles. You have also undertaken an investigation to learn about water resistance in science, and created vector drawings in computing. You considered emotions and warning signs of these in PSHE and with our visitor today. You have also had a try at some papers to show what you have learnt so far. Next week is Walk to School week so please try to walk as much as you can. In class, you will be focussing on poetry in English and calculation in maths. You will also be completing some more papers based on maths and English- remember we said that its not about the scores, its about me seeing what you have remembered and what we need to cover in more detail. You will also have a couple of PSHE sessions based on friendships and relationships. You have ch...

Spellings wc9.5.22

          Below are this week's spellings. Please ensure that you practise these.   Please put these into sentences  and submit them on Teams  as well as trying a spelling challenge as this will help you remember them.     Twelfth Desperate Frequently Neighbour Rhyme Vegetable Awkward Determined Government Nuisance    Ext: Yacht Parliament Exaggerate Conscience Sufficient    Mrs Onley’s group have their individual spellings. Please practise these and put them into sentences to help your understanding.

Lincolnsfield Day 2

 Day 2! After a reasonable night’s sleep, we rose ready for a breakfast of cereal and beans on toast. We then split into 3 groups and began the Children at War experience, which was a brilliant experience. We learnt about the life of people in the war and items they would have in their houses. We discovered the ways people grew their own food in their victory gardens, how they had Anderson shelters in the gardens, and how the children would be taught how to work with their street to put out house fires.   We also had a war veteran teach us about life in the war, the blitz, talk us through museum objects and show us how heavy the weapons (a perfectly safe replica) and sacks were that the military would have used. We also got to ride in a military jeep which was used in Normandy in the 1940s.   After lunch, we were treated to hearing about the life of a child who was evacuated; a veteran telling us his story from when he was evacuated at the age of six.  ...

Lincolnsfields day 1

 Lincolnsfield Day 1! It has been a brilliant, busy beginning to our trip. We arrived, had a briefing and then went straight into our first activity. We were in 3 groups and had to find our way around the ….. using a map and numbers. We had to solve 10 riddles, a few of which had the children (and adults) stumped. We enjoyed our lunches and then headed to the woods where we played ‘manhunt’ amongst the bluebells and then competed in 2 teams while working on our teamwork.   We returned to our dorms to make our beds – some were quicker than others (it took some an hour but they got there).  Then it was time for dinner – pudding of chocolate sponge and custard was definitely the winner. After pausing for 30 minutes to let our food go down, we went and ran off lots of steam in the softplay and then all had showers (on the insistence of the adults). Our vote was to watch Madagascar so we enjoyed popcorn, biscuits and squash while watching it before bed.   We are...