Year 5, What a half term! You have; planned and begun writing chapters inspired by The Nowhere Emporium; worked with fractions, decimals and percentages, calculating with them and comparing and ordering them; learnt about deserts and focused on the Mojave; created beautiful pieces of artwork inspired by Stephen Wiltshire, using knowledge and skills on pencils for shading; chitted and planted potatoes; and you have rehearsed and performed a fantastic production (I was very proud of you all!). Today you applied your learning on forces to create Easter chick catapults. This isn’t even all of the learning you have done in the four and a half weeks! Well done for an amazing half term and I look forward to seeing you for the next one. Please continue with your reading and Sumdog but also have a restful break. See you on Tuesday 16 th April. Mrs Cresswell 😊