Year 5,
This has been quite a week! You have spent much of your time
rehearsing for the production – which has gone from strength to strength. You
have also completed your maths topic of fractions, decimals and percentages, and
sanded your wood for your frame structures.
Next week you will be performing your production of Rock
Bottom! You will also begin your new topic in maths and continue your
narratives in English. We will also be planting our potatoes.
Monday is your performance to the school
Tuesday 1.30pm is your performance to parents
Wednesday 6.30pm is your performance to parents
Wednesday 3pm is open afternoon for parents
Thursday 2pm is the end of term
You have football on a Monday so please remember your second pair of
trainers (otherwise a text will be sent to parents as a reminder for full kit)
- Clubs
– If you have been signed up, please ensure that you attend as numbers
are limited and demand is high.
- Reading
– You have all got reading books and been given your Reading Journals and shown
how to write in them. Please ensure that you read and record it at least 5
times a week. You can do the recording; it does not have to be your adult. You
must complete a Reading Journal Activity before changing your book and if you
are not enjoying your book you must read at least 40 pages and write why you
have not been enjoying it in your journal.
- Spellings
– You have your pre-test on Monday and are asked to practise these throughout
the week ready for the test on Friday (they will be on the blog). Remember I am
looking for improvement.
- Sumdog
- Please remember to use this to practise your maths. Your passwords are in the
back of your Reading Journal.
Any additional home learning provided is optional but must be
handed in by Wednesday to be marked before the next is provided on the Friday.
Remember, if your home learning is not named, it will not be marked.
Have a lovely weekend everyone.
Mrs H Cresswell 😊
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