
Showing posts from April, 2024

Spellings wc29.4.24

       Below are your spellings for this week. Please practise those which you got wrong or were not confident with. Please put these into sentences  as well as trying a spelling challenge as this will help you remember them. cereal serial father farther guessed guest morning mourning whose who's Ext: accompanies appreciation bruised environmentally identities   Mrs Stevenson’s group have their individual spellings in their Home Spelling Book to be tested and reviewed on Friday. Please practise these and put them into sentences to help your understanding.


 Year 5, This week has been an unusual week as many of you have been completing cycling proficiency – well done for your hard work and perseverance! We have also learnt about calculating area in maths, and writing your chapters in English (with a focus on vocabulary for effect). You have created the structures for your sculptures in art and produced book reviews for your favourite book so far this year. Next week, you will be completing your sculptures using Modroc, and you will be beginning our programming in computing. In English, you will finish your chapters and in maths you will be using data and producing and interpreting line graphs. In science, you will learn about different life cycles, and for PSHE you will have your next visit from Herts Police – this time to learn about anti-social behaviour.   Half term project – Masters of Maths This half term, your project is to create a game for your classmates to play which covers areas of maths that we have learnt about i...

Lincolnsfields Parent Meeting 2024

 Please see the slides from the parent meeting (without pictures) below. Please ensure you complete the form your child was sent home with, and return in the next few days. 

Spellings wc22.4.24

       Below are your spellings for this week. Please practise those which you got wrong or were not confident with. Please put these into sentences  as well as trying a spelling challenge as this will help you remember them. vein weigh sovereign protein neither heir deceitful science view quietly Ext: naughty questionable familiarity symbolism communities   Mrs Stevenson’s group have their individual spellings in their Home Spelling Book to be tested and reviewed on Friday. Please practise these and put them into sentences to help your understanding.


 Year 5, You have had a busy first week back. In English, you have recapped your understanding of grammar and reading comprehension. In maths, you have been calculating the perimeter of rectangles, rectilinear shapes and regular polygons, including calculating missing lengths. In PSHE, we discussed the reasons people may begin smoking or drinking alcohol, talking about peer pressure, and the impacts that these may have on individuals. In art, you drew adults and children in proportion and in RE you considered the importance of prayer to some people. This week you have also participated in a KNEX STEM challenge – creating fantastic bulldozers, and have had your first session to become ‘mini police’, which was led by members of Hertfordshire Constabulary. You have also been observing changes in your potato plants. Next week is cycling proficiency week for many of you. This means that you will spend much of your time outside on your bikes. When you are not doing this, you will be ...

Spellings wc16.4.24

      Below are your spellings for this week. Please practise those which you got wrong or were not confident with. Please put these into sentences  as well as trying a spelling challenge as this will help you remember them. thief belief pierce priest patient shield ancient receipt perceive niece Ext: resourceful magnificently ungracious recognisable recommendation   Mrs Stevenson’s group have their individual spellings in their Home Spelling Book to be tested and reviewed on Friday. Please practise these and put them into sentences to help your understanding.