
Showing posts from January, 2025


Happy Friday all! PE Timetable NEW Monday 1hr (Football). Wednesday - 30 mins (trainers only).  Thursday 1 hr (Full kit) Next Week  Maths - We will be finding fractions of amounts. Next Friday is also maths day where we will have a whole day of maths activities and games.  English - We will continue writing around our class text, The Lost Thing by Shaun Tan.  Science - We will be learning about friction.  PSHE -    We will  investigate a range of jobs carried out by people and explore how much people earn in different jobs. History - We will write about what we learned in our workshop. Computing - We will  code a micro:bit to make a light that switches on when it gets dark using sensors and logic. Spanish - We will  ask for and give opinions about sports.  Half Term Project - D eveloping Confident Presenters -  Due Monday 10th February This half term, I would like to focus on helping the children enhance the...


  Dogs transparent  innocent  decent  frequent  confident  innocence frequency coincidence  transparency  decency Wolves innocent  decent  confident  frequent  transparent     


Good afternoon all,  We had an awesome day today and learnt so much about the Vikings! Please ask the children lots of questions this weekend as they will be able to tell you so much about the Vikings are their invasion of Britain.  PE Timetable NEW  Monday 1hr (Football). Wednesday - 30 mins (trainers only).  Thursday 1 hr (Full kit) Next Week  Maths -  We will be solving multiplication and division word problems . We will also be multiplying fractions.   English - We will continue writing around our class text, The Lost Thing by Shaun Tan.  Science - We will be learning about gravity as part of our forces topic.  PSHE - When I grow up/my dream lifestyle.   Art - Sketching people in motion.  History - We will write about what we learned in our workshop. . Computing -  We will turn micro:bits into step counters (pedometers) using the micro:bit’s built-in movement sensor, the accelerometer, and variables to keep t...


  Dogs  legible  horribly  dependable  terrible  comfortable  terribly  considerable  understandable  visible visibly  considerably reasonable Wolves horrible  horribly  understand  understandable  terrible  terribly  enjoy  enjoyable 


 Happy Friday all!  Our PE timetable has changed for this half term (below), however, next week our Monday 1hr session is moving to Tuesday for ONE WEEK ONLY.  I have set tasks for the children to complete on Sumdog. They have until Friday 24th to complete this.  Next Friday we are having our Viking Workshop. The children are encouraged to dress up like a Viking. Ideas to make a simple costume are below.  PE Timetable NEW  Monday 1hr (Football). Wednesday - 30 mins (trainers only).  Thursday 1 hr (Full kit) Next Week  Maths -  Division. Diving 4-digit numbers by a 1-digit, d ividing with remainders and problem solving.  English - We will continue writing around our class text, The Lost Thing by Shaun Tan.  Science - Investigating materials which are good thermal insulators.  PSHE - When I grow up/my dream lifestyle.   Art - Sketching people.  History - To find out about the Viking settlement of Britain and...


Wolves  lost thing  belong  wonder mystery  mysterious beach  curious   Dogs  belonging mystery  mysterious  according  curiosity  familiar  identity  immediate  immediately  leisure  recommend  suggest


Happy New Year all!  I hope you all had a wonderful break. Thank you all so much for your kind cards and gifts over Christmas - I really, really appreciate it.  I have given the children some maths calculations to solve at home to help them before our lessons next week. Please try your best to solve these over the weekend.  The children have been busy making bread today - I hope you enjoy this over the weekend. The children will be filling out evaluation forms for this on Monday.  PE Timetable NEW  Monday 1hr (Football). Wednesday - 30 mins (trainers only).  Thursday 1 hr (Full kit) Next week  Maths -  Multiplying 2-digit numbers by 2, 3 and 4 digits.  English - We will be starting our new topic on  The Lost Thing by Shaun Tan. Science - Investigating materials which are good thermal insulators.  PSHE - To c ompare our lives  with people in the developing world Art - Sketching people.  History -  To find out about th...