Happy Friday all! PE Timetable NEW Monday 1hr (Football). Wednesday - 30 mins (trainers only). Thursday 1 hr (Full kit) Next Week Maths - We will be finding fractions of amounts. Next Friday is also maths day where we will have a whole day of maths activities and games. English - We will continue writing around our class text, The Lost Thing by Shaun Tan. Science - We will be learning about friction. PSHE - We will investigate a range of jobs carried out by people and explore how much people earn in different jobs. History - We will write about what we learned in our workshop. Computing - We will code a micro:bit to make a light that switches on when it gets dark using sensors and logic. Spanish - We will ask for and give opinions about sports. Half Term Project - D eveloping Confident Presenters - Due Monday 10th February This half term, I would like to focus on helping the children enhance the...