
Showing posts from December, 2021


  Year 5, It’s the Christmas holidays!! You have all earned yourselves a break after a long term where you have worked extremely hard. This week alone, you have created images using coordinates, completed your myths and developed your grammar. You have developed your own questions in science and then developed experiments to investigate (you will have a chance to complete these after the holidays). You have created biscuits following a brief and you have also had a positive impact on the wider world with your choice to donate toward the homeless charity. It has been lovely seeing you enjoy your Christmas party and activities and both myself and the year 5 team thank you for our generous gifts. Update: Mrs Lawrence has kindly emailed me the details of the Polish Carol that you learnt and performed. This link takes you to the backing track you have used and the 'sound' words you've used are below: Zasnij   Dziecino Verse: ...

Spellings wc13.12.21

  Below are this week's spellings. Please ensure that you practise the ones you found tricky in today's pre-test so that you can improve your score on Friday.   Please put these into sentences as well as trying a spelling challenge as this will help you remember them. adorable forgivable disposable reversible invincible legible incredible sensible reliable respectable Ext: identifiable agreeable enviable hindrance opportunity If you are in Mrs Onley’s group, you should have your spellings in your Home Spelling book either today or tomorrow and these will be tested on Friday.    


  Good afternoon Year 5, We have come to the end of our penultimate full week before the Christmas holidays. It has been a week crammed full of learning, generosity and kindness. In English, you have written the first parts of your myths, which are fantastic to read. In Maths, you have been looking at identifying and creating equivalent fractions. You have researched about the daily lives of ancient Greeks in preparation for next week’s learning and you have completed work in computing, then sending it to me via email. You have begun your design and technology topic for this term by reading about biscuits from different countries, have undertaken some very important (and hopefully tasty) product testing, and you have designed your own biscuits to suit the brief. Let’s not forget the lovely Christmas lunch! Next week, we will be continuing with the Christmas theme but also with our usual routine. In English, you will be finishing and editing your myths. Maths will be based aroun...

Spellings wc6.12.21

   Please ensure that you practice your spellings through the week. We have our pre-test on Monday and test on Friday (using the same words in a different order). I will be looking for an improvement in your score between the pre-test and test. As discussed in class, please put your spellings into sentences on paper as this will help you to learn the meaning as well as the spelling.  Sought Vicious Thought Knowledgeable Terrible Past Bruise Rough Available Incredibly Passed Muscle  Ext: Category Disastrous Cemetery Embarrass identity If you are in Mrs Onley’s group, you should have your spellings in your Home Spelling book either today or tomorrow and these will be tested on Friday.    


   Good afternoon Year 5, We have begun December with a nod to Christmas today in music alongside you working very hard throughout the week. In Maths you have become more confident in short division with remainders and in computing you developed your Word and Excel skills when creating Andy Warhol inspired art and when inputting data to create graphs for Science. In English, you have begun to write your myth inspired by ‘The 12 labours of Herakles’ and I have been really impressed with what I have read so far. Your knowledge of Jewish festivals has expanded with studying the beginnings of Hanukkah and in history you have begun to understand some of the ancient Greek  gods. You also collectively voted to give money, that would have gone on a small gift for yourselves, to charity - something I am very impressed by and so next week we will look through the wishlist of the charity with our budget and choose the items to buy for them.  Next week, in English, you will ...