Year 5, You have covered a lot of learning this week. In English you finished your next chapters which really showed the style of Ross Mackenzie. You calculated perimeter and began working with angles in maths. In the afternoons, you understood what vector drawings were and created some of your own in computing, and you drew moving figures in proportion in art. You also made paper aeroplanes when testing your theories around air resistance in science. In PSHE, we spent an afternoon learning about different elements of first aid, during which you asked lots of sensible questions, and this morning you took part in an additional session about recognising emotions. Next week will be a very unusual one. Monday is a bank holiday so you will not be in school until Tuesday. On Tuesday we will be creating Modroc figures based on your drawings from art this week. Then, on Wednesday, we leave for Lincolnsfields!! We have lots of activities arranged, which we talked abou...