
Showing posts from April, 2022


 Year 5, You have covered a lot of learning this week. In English you finished your next chapters which really showed the style of Ross Mackenzie. You calculated perimeter and began working with angles in maths. In the afternoons, you understood what vector drawings were and created some of your own in computing, and you drew moving figures in proportion in art.  You also made paper aeroplanes when testing your theories around air resistance in science.  In PSHE, we spent an afternoon learning about different elements of first aid, during which you asked lots of sensible questions, and this morning you took part in an additional session about recognising emotions.  Next week will be a very unusual one. Monday is a bank holiday so you will not be in school until Tuesday. On Tuesday we will be creating Modroc figures based on your drawings from art this week. Then, on Wednesday, we leave for Lincolnsfields!! We have lots of activities arranged, which we talked abou...

Spellings wc25.4.22

         Below are this week's spellings. Please ensure that you practise these.   Please put these into sentences  and submit them on Teams  as well as trying a spelling challenge as this will help you remember them.    Piece Receipt Review Ceiling Chief Deceit Medieval Receive Patient Perceive   Ext:  Deficient Inefficient Seize Neither Species   Mrs Onley’s group have their individual spellings. Please practise these and put them into sentences to help your understanding.


 Year 5, We have had a very busy start to the Summer Term! This week you have translated and reflected shapes and patterns in maths. You have continued and edited the openings to your chapters on ‘The Nowhere Emporium’ in English, and you have investigated OS maps for features if towns and cities, and used atlas’ to find out about mountains and hills of the UK before producing bar graphs in geography. You have considered ultimate questions on what makes someone human/ godly in RE and have developed your drawing of people in proportion in art. We also discussed Lincolnsfields in more detail before I met a number of parents this afternoon. *Separate blog entry below with the slides from the meeting.   Next week you will be finishing your chapters in English and continue drawing people in proportion in art. You will be combining your understanding of translation and reflection with co-ordinates and then looking at perimeter in maths. In science you will be considering the...

Lincolnsfields Parent Meeting

  Below are the slides used in the parent meeting. Your child has been sent home with a medical form and kit list. Please complete the medical form and return on Monday.  All girls will be in a single dorm room as we have 12 girls and a room hold 12. Boys will be given the opportunity to write down 4 names of people they would be happy to share with and will be placed with at least 1 of these people across 2 dorm rooms.  Activities can be subject to change based on the venue, weather etc. but please see below as a guide for what we are due to take part in.  If you have any questions please email Miss Huntley. 


 Year 5, What a way to end the Term! You have delivered four amazing performances this week and have done yourselves proud! Alongside the performances you have also worked with nets of 3D shapes in maths and written part of your chapter in English. You have learnt about, and produced learning on, Passover and Easter in RE. Next half term will be equally as busy; with it including double design and technology learning, the usual subjects that we cover and our residential. We will finish our geography topic of the UK and then begin our history topic of Leisure and entertainment throughout the 20 th century. We will continue ‘The Nowhere Emporium’ and begin our new book for the half term. You will also be set your new half term project.   Remember: -     PE has now returned to being on Monday, Thursday and Friday -     You must be signed up to attend clubs -     Reading – please ensure that you read 5 times a week and re...