Year 5,
We have had a very busy start to the Summer Term! This week
you have translated and reflected shapes and patterns in maths. You have
continued and edited the openings to your chapters on ‘The Nowhere Emporium’ in
English, and you have investigated OS maps for features if towns and cities,
and used atlas’ to find out about mountains and hills of the UK before
producing bar graphs in geography. You have considered ultimate questions on
what makes someone human/ godly in RE and have developed your drawing of people
in proportion in art. We also discussed Lincolnsfields in more detail before I
met a number of parents this afternoon.
*Separate blog entry below with the slides from the meeting.
Next week you will be finishing your chapters in English and
continue drawing people in proportion in art. You will be combining your understanding
of translation and reflection with co-ordinates and then looking at perimeter
in maths. In science you will be considering the forces of air and water resistance
and in PSHE we will be learning first aid techniques. You will also draw people
in proportion, but this time also showing movement.
Over the half term we will be covering a range of topics, outlined
Poetry focussing on vocabulary and the use of figurative language
Writing a diary and monologue showing different perspectives
Class text – The Eye of the Wolf.
Reflection and translation; including within a single quadrant
Perimeter and area revision
Working with angles; estimating, measuring and drawing them
Using formal division and multiplication
Looking at scaling and revising the conversion of units.
Science – Forces, Living things and their habitats
Geography – The United Kingdom – looking at both the human and physical
History – Leisure and Entertainment over recent history
Computing – As we were fortunate enough to undertake the programming
workshops last half term, we will be continuing with digital media and
completing a little programming and control learning.
Digital media –
Vector drawings and video editing
Programming and
control - Scratch .
Art and Design– Drawing figures, reflection, creating sculpture using
Modroc, designing and creating a frame structure
PSHE – Healthy Me - first aid
Relationships – Recognising
me, online safety, impacts of screen time and relationships with technology
RE – Looking at the sacred texts and stories within them (both
Christianity and Judaism). Ultimate questions.
We will, of course, also be enjoying our residential at Lincolnsfields
this half term too!
- Medical forms to be returned on Monday
- PE has now returned to being on Monday, Thursday and
- You must be signed up to attend clubs, which start again
next week
- Reading – please ensure that you read 5 times a week and
record this in your Reading Journal. You MUST have your reading book and
journal in school every day
- Spellings – please practise putting spellings into
sentences. These are set on TEAMs as well as shared on the blog.
- SumDog – Please practise on this as it is crucial that you
maintain your learning knowledge – these games help you to maintain what you
have already learnt and maybe learn a little before we begin in class
Have a lovely weekend.
Miss Huntley 😊
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