
 Year 5,

You have covered a lot of learning this week. In English you finished your next chapters which really showed the style of Ross Mackenzie. You calculated perimeter and began working with angles in maths. In the afternoons, you understood what vector drawings were and created some of your own in computing, and you drew moving figures in proportion in art. You also made paper aeroplanes when testing your theories around air resistance in science. In PSHE, we spent an afternoon learning about different elements of first aid, during which you asked lots of sensible questions, and this morning you took part in an additional session about recognising emotions. 

Next week will be a very unusual one. Monday is a bank holiday so you will not be in school until Tuesday. On Tuesday we will be creating Modroc figures based on your drawings from art this week. Then, on Wednesday, we leave for Lincolnsfields!! We have lots of activities arranged, which we talked about last Friday, and you will have lots of new experiences.


Half term project – Masters of Maths

This half term, your project is to create a game for your classmates to play which covers areas of maths that we have learnt about in class. This game could be created online, could be a quiz, or could be a board game (or a more creative idea if you have one).

You can focus on one topic or a range of maths which we have covered, such as: place value, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, shape, nets, fractions, decimals, percentages, area, perimeter, translation and reflection, or angles.  

Please ensure that you bring your game to school by Monday 23rd May as we will be playing them sometime that week.



-    PE has now returned to being on Monday, Thursday and Friday

-    You must be signed up to attend clubs

-    Reading – please ensure that you read 5 times a week and record this in your Reading Journal. You MUST have your reading book and journal in school every day

-    Spellings – please practise putting spellings into sentences. These are set on TEAMs as well as shared on the blog.

-   SumDog – Please practise on this as it is crucial that you maintain your learning knowledge – these games help you to maintain what you have already learnt and maybe learn a little before we begin in class

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Huntley  😊



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