Year 5, You have been busy yet again. In English, you have developed your understanding of simple, compound and complex sentences, and adverbials. You have then begun writing non-chronological reports on your creature designed for Pandora. In maths, you compared and ordered numbers to 1 million and then worked on rounding to the nearest 10,100 and 1000. You have located and considered the human and physical features of the Alps in geography and considered significant people in the beginning of Christianity and Judaism, alongside significant people to you. In science, you became the planets and considered what it is to orbit, and you became the Earth, Sun and Moon to learn about their movements. Next week, in English, you will finish writing your reports, and you will mark National Poetry Day. IN maths, you will round with bigger numbers and consider strategies for mental addition and subtraction. PSHE will focus on rights and responsibilities, and science will take a cl...