
 Year 5,

You have had another successful week. In maths, you have shown real engagement with our place value learning – now working with numbers to 1million and calculating in powers of 10. In English, you worked on prepositional phrases in grammar and then applied this when finishing off your diary entries. You have now created and annotated images of your own creature that lives on Pandora, ready to write a non-chronological report on them. Science built on the previous week; you created mnemonics to remember the order of the planets and then considered the work of Aristotle to prove that the Earth was a sphere. In geography you have also learnt about the location of The Alps and how mountains are formed (recapping plate tectonics in the process). PSHE was when you set yourself goals for the year ahead and I was really impressed with your self-reflection.

Next week we will be joined by our two new members of the class- I know that you will make them feel welcome. You will be comparing, ordering and rounding numbers in maths and planning your non-chronological reports in English. Science will be all about the movements of the planets and geography will be considering human and physical features of the mountains. You will also have the opportunity to complete your final piece of art based on our work with water colour and oil pastel so far.

You have now been set your half term project on space. The blog entry below contains all the details you will need but I will also include it on my blog entry each week.

Your project for this half term – Exploring Space 

As you know, this half term we are studying space in Science. I would like you to study some of the areas of space that you have an interest in. Your learning outcome could be a PowerPoint, a Word processed or handwritten project, a model or sculpture. This should demonstrate the research you have put in over the weeks before the deadline of Monday 16th October, when you will share your learning with the class.  


You could study (but are not restricted to): 

The moon landings

Could there be life on other planets?

Black holes, meteors and other space features

Constellations of stars


You could create (but are not restricted to):

-        A model of a planet

-        A game themed around space

-        A story based in space

-        A written project on space features



Sharing assembly dates have now been made available on the separate blog page. 

     You have football on a Monday so please remember your second pair of trainers (otherwise a text will be sent to parents as a reminder for full kit)

-        Clubs have now begun. If you have been signed up, please ensure that you attend as numbers are limited and demand is high.

-        Reading – You have now all got reading books and been given your Reading Journals and shown how to write in them. Please ensure that you read and record it at least 5 times a week. You can do the recording; it does not have to be your adult. You must complete a Reading Journal Activity before changing your book and if you are not enjoying your book you must read at least 40 pages and write why you have not been enjoying it in your journal.

-        Spellings – You have your pre-test on Monday and are asked to practise these throughout the week ready for the test on Friday (they will be on the blog). Remember I am looking for improvement.

-        Sumdog/Times Tables Rockstars- Please remember to use these to practise your maths. Your passwords are now in the back of your Reading Journal.

 Any additional home learning provided is optional but must be handed in by Wednesday to be marked before the next is provided on the Friday.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.

Mrs H Cresswell  😊


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