
 Year 5, 

What a fantastic start to the year! You have made a real effort to be respectful, ready and safe (our new school rules). You have shown these in your presentation, being polite and friendly, and ensuring you are ready to learn. This week you began with team building games (you fitted through the hoop despite your reservations), considering how to follow the school rules throughout the school day, and completing the ‘All about Me’ activity you began when we met last year.


You have since been introduced to Pandora in English. You created stunning sentences using expanded noun phrases and I look forward to applying these to our learning next week. In maths you learnt more about Roman Numerals and calculated with them. You had a stand-alone history lesson where you worked as a class to complete a timeline and identify where you have learnt about specific topics. You then created your own timelines in your books. You have also spent much of our time on skill development in art. You revised techniques for watercolours and then developed techniques with oil pastels. You have then begun to apply these to a set piece which will result in a finished piece for our display. You also wrote me a letter on Wednesday where you were asked to be very reflective and honest. Thank you for doing this so sensibly; they have been lovely to read.

Today we have also really begun reading our class text ‘The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane’, which you appear to have enjoyed. We will continue reading this over the weeks to come.


Next week we will begin a more structured timetable which will include our first sessions on; computing (online safety), science (space), geography (The Alps), art (perspective) and our maths and English sessions. You will also have your first swimming lesson on Wednesday (which is why our PE moved from Thursday).


Below is an overview of the half term to come (obviously there may be a few changes as time moves on).  



Writing a diary entry (Space - Sci-fi) - focusing on expanded noun phrases, vocabulary choices and figurative language. 

Poetry – Vocabulary building for imagery. 

Explanation text (Space theme) - Note taking, research from different sources, planning and writing with features of an explanation text.  

Spellings – pre-test, test and practise (please also practise at home) 

Handwriting – practise of specific formations and in presentation of learning 



Place value up to 1 million

Powers of 10

Partitioning numbers to 1 million

Comparing and ordering numbers 

Rounding to the nearest 10, 100 or 1000

Rounding within 1 million


Mental and written strategies for addition and subtraction

Rounding and using the inverse to check answers

Multi step problems

Missing number problems


Factors and multiples

Prime, square and cube numbers



Earth and Space : relative sizes of the Earth, Sun and Moon; Earth’s orbit around the Sun; why our shadows change, and why we have day and night; the Moon’s phases and orbit of the Earth; our Solar System and influential people in space. Your project this half term will be set next Friday and will be space themed. 



Focus of E-Safety, use of technology and the internet; protecting ourselves, our passwords and knowing who to report concerns to; protecting devices and personal data; using different online communication tools for different purposes; ·using a search engine to find appropriate information and check its reliability 



Perspective and distance; utilising pencil and paint skills to create images with a focus on perspective. Pieces linked to geography. 



What is life like in the Alps? A study incorporating the four strands of geography; human and physical geography, locational knowledge, place knowledge, and geographical skills and fieldwork (we will remain in the local area fieldwork). 



Studying Celebrations, key events in life and pilgrimage, and symbolic ways of expressing meaning with a focus on Christianity and Judaism.  



Being Me in My World; setting personal targets, understanding rights and responsibilities, considering behaviour and the associated rewards and consequences, understanding how behaviour impacts a group, understanding the process of democracy.



Classroom language, telling the time, discussing breakfast, likes and dislikes. 


You have all received your books and Reading Journals. Each week you will be required to read 5 times for 10 minutes and complete an activity when you finish the book (this is the minimum; if you wish to read more or complete more activities you are welcome to). I created a blog entry on completing your Read Journal which you can read below. Please also remember to continue with Times Tables Rockstars and Sumdog as this will help with your learning in class. The passwords are stuck in the back of your Reading Journals



- Monday PE is football so ensure you have your kit (including 2 pairs of shoes)

- Wednesday is your swimming lesson


Have a lovely weekend. 

Mrs H Cresswell  😊  



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