Year 5, You have had quite a week. In maths, you learnt more about how to calculate with decimals and in English you began writing your narratives inspired by Macbeth. In geography, you studied coral reefs and some of the risks to our oceans. A number of your sessions have been spent on PSHE this week, and you have considered the changes that happen to bodies of females and males through puberty and the reasons for this. You also learnt about conception and then had your questions answered this morning. Next week, you will continue to write your narratives in English, and you will begin your new maths topic of negative numbers in maths. On Wednesday you will be visiting Frinton on Sea to conduct fieldwork relating to geography but before that you will complete some more learning on our oceans in preparation. In science, you will consider the life cycle of humans and will use computing to present this. You will also have your ‘Meet the Teacher’ session. Half-term project – Oc...