
Showing posts from September, 2024


 Spellings  (Test 7th October)  Dogs horrible  terrible  possible  edible  reversible  invincible  legible  adorable  forgivable disposable  enjoyable  Wolves hiss  kiss mass mess toss boss pass fuss less cross


Good afternoon all,  Our Harvest Coffee Morning is next Friday - I look forward to seeing you there! Also on Wednesday we are having our delivery of books from Scholastics and the book sale will start on Thursday 3rd until 8th October.  Home Learning In Year 5, we will ask your child to ensure that they complete the following compulsory learning at home: - Reading 5 times a week  - Practising spellings each week between the pre-test and test (Test on Monday). - Practising maths on Sumdog - Practising times tables on TT Rockstars - Completing the half termly project PE Timetable  Monday 1hr (Football) Wednesday - Swimming.  Thursday trainers only Spellings Test on Monday 30th September  Dogs doubt solemn knickers whistle  island  thistle  numb debt  lamb  knight  autumn  isle Wolves buzz  jazz fizz fuzzy  dizzy  blizzard Next Week  Maths - Adding, subtracting and using the inverse.  English - We wil...


Test on Monday 30th September  Dogs doubt solemn knickers whistle  island  thistle  numb debt  lamb  knight  autumn  isle Wolves buzz  jazz fizz fuzzy  dizzy  blizzard


Good afternoon all,  I hope you are well! The weather has been kind to us this week and it has made this week fly by! We are really getting into the swing of things.  PE reminder Please can you to remind your children not to share their PE kit or football kit with others, as this helps maintain good hygiene. Additionally, we would like to bring to your attention that a pair of black and gold Adidas football boots, along with shin pads and other items, have recently gone missing. If you come across any of these missing items, kindly return them to school.  Home Learning In Year 5, we will ask your child to ensure that they complete the following compulsory learning at home: - Reading 5 times a week  - Practising spellings each week between the pre-test and test (Test on Monday). - Practising maths on Sumdog - Practising times tables on TT Rockstars - Completing the half termly project PE Timetable  Monday 1hr (Football) Wednesday - Swimming.  Thursday traine...


Spellings Test 23/09/2024 Dogs bough enough  tough  thought  rough cough bought drought although  dough  plough  sought thorough bought  Wolves quiz  queen  quack  quick  quiet  quite


Our first full week has come to an end! It has been a great week and we are really getting into the flow of Year 5. Spellings will start on Monday. Swimming will start this Wednesday 18th September.  Home Learning In Year 5, we will ask your child to ensure that they complete the following compulsory learning at home: - Reading 5 times a week  - Practising spellings each week between the pre-test and test (Test on Monday). - Practising maths on Sumdog - Practising times tables on TT Rockstars - Completing the half termly project PE Timetable  Monday 1hr (Football) Wednesday - Swimming.  Thursday trainers only Spellings  The test and pre-test will be on Mondays and will be published on the blog.  Next Week  Maths - Comparing numbers to 1000000 and placing numbers on a number line.  English - We will be starting our recount topic. We will be writing a biography.  Science - Space and spherical bodies.  Computing - Understanding compute...

06/09/2024 Year 5 - Miss Davis

Welcome back! It was great to spend time with the children and hear all about their adventures over the summer holidays. It's great having them back again and I am looking forward to the year ahead.  If you wish for your child to walk home on their own please give permission via Arbor. Thank you!  Home Learning In Year 5, we will ask your child to ensure that they complete the following compulsory learning at home: - Reading 5 times a week  - Practising spellings each week between the pre-test and test (Test on Monday). - Practising maths on Sumdog - Practising times tables on TT Rockstars - Completing the half termly project PE Timetable  Monday 1hr (Football) Wednesday - Swimming.  Thursday trainers only Spellings  The test and pre-test will be on Mondays and will be published on the blog.  Next Week  Maths - Exploring and ordering numbers to 1000000.  English - Recapping Year 3 and 4 grammar targets.  Science - Space and spherical bod...