Our first full week has come to an end! It has been a great week and we are really getting into the flow of Year 5. Spellings will start on Monday. Swimming will start this Wednesday 18th September.
Home Learning
In Year 5, we will ask your child to ensure that they complete the following compulsory learning at home:
- Reading 5 times a week
- Practising spellings each week between the pre-test and test (Test on Monday).
- Practising maths on Sumdog
- Practising times tables on TT Rockstars
- Completing the half termly project
PE Timetable
Monday 1hr (Football)
Wednesday - Swimming.
Thursday trainers only
The test and pre-test will be on Mondays and will be published on the blog.
Next Week
Maths - Comparing numbers to 1000000 and placing numbers on a number line.
English - We will be starting our recount topic. We will be writing a biography.
Science - Space and spherical bodies.
Computing - Understanding computers can be connected together to form systems
RE - Sikh place of worship and holy book.
History - To learn about ancient Greek warfare.
Art - Perspective drawing.
Half term project
Your project for this half term – Exploring Space
As you know, this half term we are studying space in Science. I would like you to study some of the areas of space that you have an interest in. Your learning outcome could be a PowerPoint, a Word processed or handwritten project, a model or sculpture. This should demonstrate the research you have put in over the weeks before the deadline of Monday 21st October when you will share your learning with the class.
You could study (but are not restricted to):
- The moon landings
- Could there be life on other planets?
- Black holes, meteors and other space features
- Constellations of stars
You could create (but are not restricted to):
- A model of a planet
- A game themed around space
- A story based in space
- A written project on space features
Have a great weekend.
Miss N Davis
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