Happy Friday all,
We have had a very Christmassy day today. Rehearsing for Tuesday's Carol Concert, eating a Christmas dinner and watched Inside Out 2 in the hall.
Just to remind you next Friday we finished a 1pm. Wednesday after school is open evening.
Our KS2 party is Thursday afternoon (during school). Please bring your party clothes.
Your project is due in on Monday.
Here is the Music for Carol Concert link for you to practise at home!
PE Timetable NEW
Monday 1hr (Football).
Wednesday - 1hr PE - kit needed.
Thursday trainers only.
Half Term Project - Create a board game
I would like the children to create a board game, card game or quiz about any and all topics we have covered this year or in previous years. The children should also write some rules for their game. I would like EVERYONE to take part in this project. The games are due in on Monday 16th December.
Have a great weekend all!
Miss N Davis
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