Year 5,
It has been another busy week and you have produced more
wonderful learning. English this week has involved a lot of editing and the
explanation texts are showing your focus and improvements. In Maths you have
worked hard on rounding decimals and have practised multiplying by 10, 100 and
1000 without having to use formal written methods. In art, you created
wonderful Gaudi inspired buildings (you may just spot some of them up by the
hall) and we had discussions around volcanoes in geography while learning about
the mountains of South America. We considered rights and responsibilities in
PSHE and in RE we looked at features of a synagogue. You also had the important
job of voting for your House Captains this week and had your first friendship groups
of the year.
Next week will be just as busy! We will be finishing your
explanation texts in English and multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000
in maths. We will be looking at perspective in art and the Moon in science. We
will be revisiting numbers and colours in Spanish and using the laptops in computing,
and I will try to find time for you to create your information mountains in geography.
We also have the Harvest Coffee Morning on Friday 10:30-11:00 where your
parents are welcome to join us while you perform the songs you have been
practising in music and in assemblies.
You have football on a Monday so please remember your second pair of
trainers (otherwise a text will be sent to parents as a reminder for full kit)
- Clubs
have now begun and need to be registered for on School Gateway
- Reading
– You have now been given your Reading Journals and shown how to write in them.
Please ensure that you read and record it at least 5 times a week. You can do
the recording; it does not have to be your adult. You must complete a Reading
Journal Activity before changing your book and if you are not enjoying your
book you must read at least 40 pages and write why you have not been enjoying
it in your journal.
- Spellings
– You will have your next pre-test on Monday and are asked to practise these
throughout the week ready for the test on Friday (they will be on the blog).
Remember I am looking for improvement.
- Sumdog/Times
Tables Rockstars- Please remember to use these to practise your maths. Your
passwords are stuck in the back of your Reading Journal.
Have a lovely weekend.
Miss H
Huntley :-)
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