
Showing posts from June, 2022

Spellings wc27.6.22

      Below are your spellings for this week. Please practise those which you got wrong or were not confident with. Please put these into sentences  and submit them on Teams  as well as trying a spelling challenge as this will help you remember them. Whose Who’s Which Witch Rebellious Tenacious Ferocious Their They’re There   Ext: Profession Programme Pronunciation Referee Remonstrate Mrs Onley’s group have their individual spellings. Please practise these and put them into sentences to help your understanding.


 Year 5, You have spent this week learning about a range of topics. In English, you began studying Macbeth through a comic style text and some cartoon videos. You also learnt and performed lines as the witches, recording and briefly editing these. In Maths, you revisited converting times and then solved problems involving timetables. You have continued to study the caterpillars in science and have learnt about the lifecycles of flowering plants and asexual and sexual reproduction in plants. You also dissected lilies to identify the parts of a flower. In history, you considered how music has changed over time and saw a range of different music players which were kindly brought in by Mrs Onley. Thursday afternoon was Sports Day, where you impressed with your determination. Michaela and Sunari also joined us today where you were expected to work together and support each other in teams to complete a ‘floor is lava’ style challenge.   Next week we will be spending a number of ...

Half termly project - Creative Book Review

 This half term your project is going to focus on a book that you have read during Year 5. It can be a library, home or school reading book; fiction or non-fiction. It should be a book which you have enjoyed reading and I would like you to think of a creative way to convince others to read this book. It may even be used to persuade future Year 5 children to read it. Please ensure that you can summarise the book, explain why you enjoyed the book and what about it you enjoyed. Consider the age range you would recommend it for and why. To present your book you could (but are not limited to):           Film a book review          Create a story box (a decorated box filled with items which represent the story)           Produce a model to represent a character / event           Create a mood-board linked to the different parts of the book  Please hand in your creative book ...

Spellings wc20.6.22

     Below are your spellings for this week. Please practise those which you got wrong or were not confident with. Please put these into sentences  and submit them on Teams  as well as trying a spelling challenge as this will help you remember them. ambitious infectious fictitious nutritious repetitious delicious atrocious suspicious ferocious gracious   Ext: rebellious impervious delirious surreptitious tenacious     Mrs Onley’s group have their individual spellings. Please practise these and put them into sentences to help your understanding.    


 Year 5, It has been a busy and rather warm week this week but you have still got a lot of learning completed. In English, you have written balanced discussions on whether or not social media should be banned for people under 16. In maths, you have been problem solving using scaling in various forms including fractions, decimals and percentages. You have sawn and sanded wooden pieces ready to form your frame structures and you have continued to study the lifecycles of different animals, including the arrival of 5 caterpillars which we will be observing over the half term. You considered the impact of events after WW2 on leisure and entertainment in history, and in PSHE you considered how the small things can make a difference.   Next week will be equally busy but potentially a little cooler. You will finish and edit your discussion texts and then we will begin studying Macbeth by William Shakespeare. In maths, we will recap telling the time and the reading of timetables....

Spellings wc13.6.22

     Below are your spellings for this week. Please practise those which you got wrong or were not confident with. Please put these into sentences  and submit them on Teams  as well as trying a spelling challenge as this will help you remember them. Fiery Mischief Disobedient Patient Niece Deceit Neighbour Sovereign Weird Heir   Ext: Hygiene Sleigh Conceive Counterfeit Seizure   Mrs Onley’s group have their individual spellings. Please practise these and put them into sentences to help your understanding.  


 Year 5, It has been a busy four-day week. In maths you have been converting between metric and imperial measurements and in English you have planned your balanced argument around whether social media should be banned for people under 16. In history you learnt about the different forms of leisure and entertainment at the beginning of the 1900s and the discovered how this changed with the outbreak for the 2 nd world war. You have begun studying lifecycles by researching a bird of your choice and its lifecycle in science and in RE you considered the meaning for Christians behind the lines of the Lord’s Prayer. Next week you will be writing your balanced arguments as well as reading more of our class book. In maths we will be problem solving and in science you will continue to consider different lifecycles. In history you will be learning about some key events since WW2 which have impacted leisure and entertainment in Britain and in PSHE you will consider specific areas of online...

Spellings wc7.6.22

   Below are your spellings for this week. Please practise those which you got wrong or were not confident with.   Please put these into sentences  and submit them on Teams  as well as trying a spelling challenge as this will help you remember them. appreciate communicate definite exaggerate harass marvellous persuade relevant stomach vehicle Ext: familiarisation sacrificial exuberant exhausted occasionally   Mrs Onley’s group have their individual spellings. Please practise these and put them into sentences to help your understanding.