Year 5,
It has been a busy and rather warm week this week but you
have still got a lot of learning completed. In English, you have written
balanced discussions on whether or not social media should be banned for people
under 16. In maths, you have been problem solving using scaling in various forms
including fractions, decimals and percentages. You have sawn and sanded wooden
pieces ready to form your frame structures and you have continued to study the
lifecycles of different animals, including the arrival of 5 caterpillars which
we will be observing over the half term. You considered the impact of events
after WW2 on leisure and entertainment in history, and in PSHE you considered
how the small things can make a difference.
Next week will be equally busy but potentially a little
cooler. You will finish and edit your discussion texts and then we will begin
studying Macbeth by William Shakespeare. In maths, we will recap telling the time
and the reading of timetables. In science, you will be studying reproduction in
plants and the parts of a plant, which will cross over with art. You will also
be participating in Sports Day on Thursday afternoon and Michaela will be
working with us next Friday.
If you are in the choir, please use the link to find the
songs you are working on. Password Protected
Site (potsma.org.uk) Password: letmein
- PE can sometimes move so please ensure your kit is school
in every day
- Reading – please ensure that you read 5 times a week and
record this in your Reading Journal. You MUST have your reading book and
journal in school every day
- Spellings – please practise putting spellings into
sentences. These are set on TEAMs as well as shared on the blog.
- SumDog – Please practise on this as it is crucial that you
maintain your learning knowledge – these games help you to maintain what you
have already learnt and maybe learn a little before we begin in class
- Some of you have your sharing assembly on Monday 20th June, and others
on Monday 27th June
Have a lovely weekend.
Miss Huntley 😊
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