Year 5,
It has been a busy four-day week. In maths you have been
converting between metric and imperial measurements and in English you have
planned your balanced argument around whether social media should be banned for
people under 16. In history you learnt about the different forms of leisure and
entertainment at the beginning of the 1900s and the discovered how this changed
with the outbreak for the 2nd world war. You have begun studying lifecycles
by researching a bird of your choice and its lifecycle in science and in RE you
considered the meaning for Christians behind the lines of the Lord’s Prayer.
Next week you will be writing your balanced arguments as
well as reading more of our class book. In maths we will be problem solving and
in science you will continue to consider different lifecycles. In history you
will be learning about some key events since WW2 which have impacted leisure
and entertainment in Britain and in PSHE you will consider specific areas of
online safety.
Over this half term we will cover the following:
Balanced argument (social media focus)
– note taking, research from a range of sources, writing focusing on vocabulary
choices, modal verbs, relative clauses and varied sentence structures.
Poetry (take one poet)– Performance
with intonation and movement, writing with specific vocabulary
building for impact.
Narrative (based on Macbeth) –
vocabulary choices, punctuation of speech, figurative language, sentences
structures for impact.
Report writing (based on Macbeth) – Active
and passive voice, vocabulary choice, formal tone
Spellings – pre-test, test and practise
(please also practise at home)
Handwriting – practise of writing at
Conversion of imperial and metric units
of measure
Fractions, decimals and percentages
problem solving
Reading timetables and calculating
Solve problems involving the four
Distinguish between regular and
irregular polygons
Use properties of rectangles
Statistics- solve comparison, sum and
difference problems using information in a line graph
Statistics – interpreting and
evaluating information presented in charts and tables
Roman numerals
Living things and their habitats – lifecycles
of reptiles, mammals, plants and insects, comparing gestation and life spans.
Animals including humans – the human
life cycle.
Studying an influential scientist.
Modelling and simulation; using software to create models of 3D objects, landscapes or items.
Art and D&T
Designing and creating frame structures
using woodworking tools.
Changes in leisure and entertainment since
the early 1900s.
Investigating rivers.
Sacred texts and stories, their guidance and impact.
Taking responsibility for living together, values and
Reflecting on ethics, what is right and wrong, just and
Changing me
- PE can sometimes move so please ensure your kit is school
in every day
- Reading – please ensure that you read 5 times a week and
record this in your Reading Journal. You MUST have your reading book and
journal in school every day
- Spellings – please practise putting spellings into
sentences. These are set on TEAMs as well as shared on the blog.
- SumDog – Please practise on this as it is crucial that you
maintain your learning knowledge – these games help you to maintain what you
have already learnt and maybe learn a little before we begin in class
- Some of you have your sharing assembly on Monday 20th June
Have a lovely weekend.
Miss Huntley 😊
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