Half termly project - Creative Book Review

 This half term your project is going to focus on a book that you have read during Year 5. It can be a library, home or school reading book; fiction or non-fiction. It should be a book which you have enjoyed reading and I would like you to think of a creative way to convince others to read this book. It may even be used to persuade future Year 5 children to read it. Please ensure that you can summarise the book, explain why you enjoyed the book and what about it you enjoyed. Consider the age range you would recommend it for and why. To present your book you could (but are not limited to):

  •          Film a book review
  •          Create a story box (a decorated box filled with items which represent the story)
  •          Produce a model to represent a character / event
  •          Create a mood-board linked to the different parts of the book

 Please hand in your creative book review by Monday 11th July. 


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