
 Year 5,

You have completed lots of learning this week. In Maths you have worked on creating and interpreting graphs using a range of data. In English, you have planned and begun writing a short story based on a witch from Macbeth. In geography, you spent Monday learning all about rivers and then creating a detailed double-page spread covering the topics. PSHE has focussed on developing self-esteem and looking toward next year. You have had the opportunity to spend time with Mr Gradwell this week as a part of Transition, and you wrote a letter to yourself in this session.

Next week is our final week together. We will be finishing your stories in English, learning about Roman Numerals in maths and finishing any other learning that is needed. You will also have the opportunity to share your half term projects and see Year 6’s show, and will get yourselves organised for next year.


  School finishes at 2pm on Wednesday. 

-     Next week is due to be very hot - you MUST remember your water bottle.

-    PE can sometimes move so please ensure your kit is school in every day.

-    Reading – please ensure that you read 5 times a week and record this in your Reading Journal. You MUST have your reading book and journal in school every day.

-   SumDog – Please practise on this as it is crucial that you maintain your learning knowledge – these games help you to maintain what you have already learnt and maybe learn a little before we begin in class.

Have a lovely weekend.

Miss Huntley  😊



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