Year 5,
You have had a week with a range of subjects and activities.
You worked on 2D shape in maths and wrote newspaper reports on the murder of
King Duncan in English. In science, you presented and interpreted data on the
gestation of animals. You also had the opportunity to watch a production of Mary Poppins at Mount
Grace school and the pianists in assembly today (well done to you guys!) We all
had a great time participating in Year 6’s Apprentice this afternoon and released
our butterflies into the wild too.
Photograph below as requested:
Next week you will be completing a narrative in English
based on a picture inspired by Macbeth. In maths you will be working on statistics
and in PSHE we will be working on relationships and self-reflection. You will
also have the opportunity to talk to your teacher for next year on Thursday
when we have transition, and your adults have been invited to a ‘Meet the
Teacher’ meeting on the same day. On Monday, you will be taking responsibility
for your own learning (guided of course) for much of the day, with a focus on rivers.
Your project for this half term is repeated below and is due on Monday.
This half term your project is going to focus on a book that you have
read during Year 5. It can be a library, home or school reading book; fiction
or non-fiction. It should be a book which you have enjoyed reading and I would
like you to think of a creative way to convince others to read this book. It
may even be used to persuade future Year 5 children to read it. Please ensure
that you can summarise the book, explain why you enjoyed the book and what
about it you enjoyed. Consider the age range you would recommend it for and
why. To present your book you could (but are not limited to):
Film a book review
Create a story box (a decorated box filled with items which
represent the story)
Produce a model to represent a character / event
Create a mood-board linked to the different parts of the book
Please hand in your creative book review by Monday 11th
- Your project is due on Monday.
- PE can sometimes move so please ensure your kit is school
in every day.
- Reading – please ensure that you read 5 times a week and
record this in your Reading Journal. You MUST have your reading book and
journal in school every day.
- Spellings – please practise putting spellings into
sentences. These are set on TEAMs as well as shared on the blog.
- SumDog – Please practise on this as it is crucial that you
maintain your learning knowledge – these games help you to maintain what you
have already learnt and maybe learn a little before we begin in class.
Have a lovely weekend.
Miss Huntley 😊
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