
Showing posts from December, 2022


 Year 5, It may have been a shorter week but what a busy one we have had! After Monday’s snow, you returned to a blanketed school. You combined English with history this week and wrote non-fiction pieces on the ancient Greek gods and goddesses, then turning this into a double-page spread in your history books. In RE, you learnt about Hanukkah and considered its importance to Jews. Maths this week was beginning our work on fractions with you identifying, naming and making equivalent fractions. You also had a maths lesson dedicated to allocating your Christmas present budget to the charity gift list you chose to spend it on (I was really impressed that you voted to give the money to charity!) I have now ordered the items you selected and they will be delivered to the charity next week. Midweek you had the exciting visit from Jack Wilshire where some of you got to ask him questions, and on Thursday morning we had the privilege of watching the Early Years, and KS1 productions which w...

Spellings wc 12.12.22

        Below are your spellings for this week. Please practise those which you got wrong or were not confident with. Please put these into sentences  as well as trying a spelling challenge as this will help you remember them. bought though definitely accompany advice aisle guessed cereal babies nation Ext: Changeable Exaggerate Embarrass Mischievous Pronunciation    Mrs Onley’s group have their individual spellings in their Home Spelling Book to be tested and reviewed on Friday. Please practise these and put them into sentences to help your understanding.


 Year 5, You have spent your time this week in many different ways. In English, you have focussed on writing and punctuating direct speech and have then planned the next part of Mr Wuffles. In Maths, you have worked hard to solve division calculations using the written method; giving answers with remainders as fractions and decimals. You have researched the ancient Greek gods in history and computing, and have developed your understanding of verbal bullying further in PSHE. Art has been spent revising and developing sketching and shading techniques using HB and 2B pencils for different effects, and you have begun to apply these to winter landscapes with reflections.   Next week we will be writing about the aliens’ escape from Mr Wuffles in English and will begin looking at fractions in maths. You will learn more about Hanukkah in RE and will be creating your double-page spreads on the ancient Greek gods in history. In art, you will have the opportunity to finish your lan...


  Year 5, What a busy week. This week you have written about a group of aliens landing into the house of Mr Wuffles in English. You have worked on written multiplication in maths, considering whether you prefer to work with long or short written multiplication. In science, you considered which materials are soluble and which are insoluble, and thought about what dissolving actually is. You also undertook an experiment to separate materials on Friday. In history, you learnt about Ancient Greek warfare and recreated your own vase designs inspired by this.   Next week you will be continuing to write about Mr Wuffles and the aliens in English, and in maths you will be moving on to written methods of division. In history, you will consider the daily lives of Ancient Greeks and you will learn about Hannukah in RE. PSHE will continue to celebrate differences and in art we will be developing skills and beginning to draw a winter landscape. Next Wednesday is Christmas Dinner an...