Year 5,
It may have been a shorter week but what a busy one we have
had! After Monday’s snow, you returned to a blanketed school. You combined
English with history this week and wrote non-fiction pieces on the ancient Greek
gods and goddesses, then turning this into a double-page spread in your history
books. In RE, you learnt about Hanukkah and considered its importance to Jews.
Maths this week was beginning our work on fractions with you identifying,
naming and making equivalent fractions. You also had a maths lesson dedicated
to allocating your Christmas present budget to the charity gift list you chose
to spend it on (I was really impressed that you voted to give the money to
charity!) I have now ordered the items you selected and they will be delivered to the charity next week. Midweek you had the exciting visit from Jack Wilshire where some of
you got to ask him questions, and on Thursday morning we had the privilege of watching
the Early Years, and KS1 productions which were amazing. Today, you had the
opportunity to rehearse for the Carol Concert.
Next week is a short one but just as busy. You will have maths
themed around Christmas, English which will hopefully mean writing a bit about
Mr Wuffles, and you will have the opportunity to share your ancient Greece projects.
I am aware that we have not shared as many as we would have liked this week,
but you will all have the chance.
On Monday evening, is the KS2 Carol Concert please wear full
winter uniform.
On Tuesday afternoon, you will have your Christmas party
which you can bring a change of clothes for but you must wear full uniform for
the rest of the day.
On Wednesday, school finishes at 2pm.
-Reading – You have all got reading
books and been given your Reading Journals and shown how to write in them.
Please ensure that you read and record it at least 5 times a week. You can do
the recording; it does not have to be your adult. You must complete a Reading
Journal Activity before changing your book and if you are not enjoying your
book you must read at least 40 pages and write why you have not been enjoying
it in your journal.
- Everyone should now be in winter
uniform which means wearing a shirt and tie.
You must have a coat with you every day
as it is getting colder and you may not be allowed outside without it.
-Sumdog/Times Tables Rockstars- Please
remember to use these to practise your maths. Your passwords are in the back of
your Reading Journal.
Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs H Cresswell 😊
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