
 Year 5,

You have had an interesting week! We spent the week using a range of resources to research air pollution, plastic pollution and deforestation in English. In maths, we have compared and ordered fractions with denominators that are multiples and compared fractions of amounts. In computing, you continued to develop image-creating skills by forming vector images using layering of shapes. You learnt about Abraham and his importance to Jews in RE and in PSHE you thought about the jobs that you would like to do and the salaries of different professions. On Tuesday, you all looked great dressed for our Viking day, which I hope you enjoyed as much as I did!


Next week, you will continue to work with fractions but this time adding and subtracting them. In English, you will use all of your research to plan and write a letter (with a difference!) You will develop more skills in computing while creating images, and will learn about more forces in science. We will also continue with our D+T topic of frame structures this week, considering what makes an effective frame structure and designing your own.


Half Term Project

Your project for this half term – Artist Study

This half term I would like you to focus your project on a particular artist. Your learning outcome should include a written section and a creative section.

The written part could be a PowerPoint presentation, a Word processed or a handwritten project. Please ensure that this is your own work and not copied directly from somewhere else (remember our learning on copywrite).

The creative part could be a drawing, painting, model making or sculpture but must be inspired by the artist you have researched.

This should demonstrate the research you have put in over the weeks before the deadline of Monday 6th February, when you will share your learning with the class. 

You could study (but are not restricted to):

•           Stephen Wiltshire

•           Vincent Van Gogh

•           Barbara Hepworth

•           Charles Rennie Mackintosh

•           Freida Kahlo


-    PE is on Monday, Thursday and Friday

-        Reading – please ensure that you read 5 times a week and record this in your Reading Journal. You MUST have your reading book and journal in school every day

-        Spellings – please practise putting spellings into sentences.

-        TimesTables Rockstars and SumDog – Please practise on these as it is crucial that you maintain your learning knowledge – these games help you to maintain what you have already learnt and maybe learn a little before we begin in class


Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Cresswell 😊



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