
Showing posts from June, 2023


 Year 5, This week you have been busy in your learning. In English, you have interpreted an image, which many of you were very enthusiastic about. You also wrote a range of sentences about it as a way to revise grammar. In maths you have converted units of time, read tables and interpreted timetables. In science, you completed observations of the butterflies, researched and learnt about an important naturalist (Sir David Attenborough), and then created your own nature documentaries by researching an animal, writing a script and filming (and editing) your pieces. In history, you learnt about changes in music over the last century and how holidays have changed. On Thursday you appeared to thoroughly enjoy The Apprentice (already thinking about how you will do it next year) and you released the butterflies into the wild (although a number of them needed some encouragement to leave us). Next week we are planning narratives based on the picture you have been looking at. In maths, we...

Spellings wc26.6.23

            Below are your spellings for this week. Please practise those which you got wrong or were not confident with. Please put these into sentences as well as trying a spelling challenge as this will help you remember them. As many of these are homophone, you must write sentences as it is not the actual spelling that needs practise, but their use in context. Which Whose Rebellious Who’s Their Witches Tenacious  There Ferocious  They’re   Ext: Programme Referee Pronunciation Profession Remonstrate  Mrs Onley’s group have their individual spellings in their Home Spelling Book to be tested and reviewed on Friday. Please practise these and put them into sentences to help your understanding.  


 Year 5, This week, you have not let the heat stop you! In English, you have learnt the story of Macbeth and considered the roles and attitudes of the characters. You have also learnt ‘The Song of the Witches’ and performed it in front of the class (I was very impressed with the expression and full class participation). In maths, you have converted between fractions, decimals and percentages, and have converted between units of measure. You then applied this along with scaling to solve a Cluedo type problem. In history you considered how leisure and entertainment has changed since the Edwardian era, and how it changed due to World War 2. In science, you created lifecycles of different animals and then compared features of the lifecycles. Our caterpillars are now in their chrysalis, hopefully they will be butterflies next week. You also did very well in Sports Day! Next week, in English, you will be applying your knowledge of Macbeth to an image. In maths, you will be revising t...

Spellings wc19.6.23

           Below are your spellings for this week. Please practise those which you got wrong or were not confident with. Please put these into sentences as well as trying a spelling challenge as this will help you remember them.  Repetitious ambitious suspicious fictitious gracious infectious delicious atrocious nutritious ferocious   Ext: Delirious Rebellious Tenacious Surreptitious Impervious Mrs Onley’s group have their individual spellings in their Home Spelling Book to be tested and reviewed on Friday. Please practise these and put them into sentences to help your understanding.  


 Year 5, This week has been a hot one but you have still worked well. In English, you have written detailed discussions focussing on the question ‘Should social media be banned for those under 16?’. In maths, you have been scaling with word problems and maps. In science, you have learnt about sexual and asexual reproduction in plants and have dissected tulips to see the different parts of the flower involved in sexual reproduction. You have also continued to read ‘The Nowhere Emporium’ and have completed an RE lesson in which you were asked whether people need a prayer space to connect to God. Next week, you will be beginning the new topic of Shakespear’s Macbeth in English and you will be … in maths. In computing you will be gathering, inputting and analysing data, and in science you will be learning about the lifecycles of different species. You will also have Sports Day on Thursday (reserve day on Friday). Half-term project - River study  This half term your project...

Spellings wc12.6.23

          Below are your spellings for this week. Please practise those which you got wrong or were not confident with. Please put these into sentences as well as trying a spelling challenge as this will help you remember them.  Disobedient Fiery Weird Mischief Heir Patient Sovereign Deceit Neighbour Niece   Ext: Counterfeit Hygiene Conceive Sleigh Seizure  Mrs Onley’s group have their individual spellings in their Home Spelling Book to be tested and reviewed on Friday. Please practise these and put them into sentences to help your understanding.  

9.6.23 and half term project

 Year 5, This week you have returned with a real interest in much of your learning. In maths you have revised formal written multiplication and division and some of you have been interpreting remainders and solving problems. In English, you have been applying PSHE learning on social media to the planning of a discussion text focusing on whether social media should be banned for under 16s. This has led to very impressive discussions in class. In art, you have applied your learning on Andy Warhol to the creation of your own printing blocks and have used these to produce pictures inspired by his. On Tuesday afternoon, you had your STEM BBC Micro:Bit workshop where you really impressed me with your programming skills. Next week, you will be writing your discussion texts in English and finishing our learning topic of relationships in PSHE. In maths, you will be looking at scaling and revising metric units, and applying these skills. In science, you will be learning about reproductio...

Spellings wc6.6.23

         Below are your spellings for this week. Please practise those which you got wrong or were not confident with. Please put these into sentences as well as trying a spelling challenge as this will help you remember them.  Likely Straight Inspiring Substance Operation Toughest Disobeyed Thorough Sympathetic Percussion   Ext: familiarisation sacrificial exuberant exhausted occasionally Mrs Onley’s group have their individual spellings in their Home Spelling Book to be tested and reviewed on Friday. Please practise these and put them into sentences to help your understanding.