
 Year 5,

This week has been a hot one but you have still worked well. In English, you have written detailed discussions focussing on the question ‘Should social media be banned for those under 16?’. In maths, you have been scaling with word problems and maps. In science, you have learnt about sexual and asexual reproduction in plants and have dissected tulips to see the different parts of the flower involved in sexual reproduction. You have also continued to read ‘The Nowhere Emporium’ and have completed an RE lesson in which you were asked whether people need a prayer space to connect to God.

Next week, you will be beginning the new topic of Shakespear’s Macbeth in English and you will be … in maths. In computing you will be gathering, inputting and analysing data, and in science you will be learning about the lifecycles of different species. You will also have Sports Day on Thursday (reserve day on Friday).

Half-term project - River study

 This half term your project is going to focus on a river of your choice. I would like you to be able to teach the groups you present to all about the river. 

You must teach us about:

- location of the river

- human features of the river

- physical features of the river

- flora and fauna around the river

- how the river changes from the beginning (source) to the end (mouth) 

- any interesting things about the river


This project can be share in any format. It could be (but is not limited to) a poster, model with labels, handwritten project, PowerPoint presentation.

 Please hand in your project by Monday 10th July.  


-    PE can sometimes move so please ensure your kit is school in every day

-    Reading – please ensure that you read 5 times a week and record this in your Reading Journal. You MUST have your reading book and journal in school every day

-    Spellings – please practise putting spellings into sentences.

-   SumDog – Please practise on this as it is crucial that you maintain your learning knowledge – these games help you to maintain what you have already learnt and maybe learn a little before we begin in class

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Cresswell  😊



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