Year 5,
This week has had plenty to keep you busy. You have begun
writing your narratives inspired by the witches of Macbeth (what I have read so
far is great!) In maths, you have drawn and interpreted line graphs, and this
continued into computing when you input data and produced line graphs. You then
interpreted these in science as they were based on the growth
of a foetus. In science, you also considered changes that happen throughout a
human’s life cycle. On Thursday, you had the opportunity to spend some time
in Year 6 and today you were treated to a special assembly with our school pianists performing. You have also begun sharing your projects on rivers, which are
proving to be very informative.
Next week is our final week together in Year 5. We will
remain on timetable for much of the week. In maths, you will study 3D shapes
and in English you will finish writing your narratives. In geography, you will study
the courses of rivers and their features and you will share your projects. You
will also have PSHE where you will be considering the near future, and Spanish
where you will continue to develop your discussion around opinions of sports.
- You must still be wearing full uniform - a number of children are coming in without correct shoes, socks or hair ties
- Reading – please ensure that you read 5 times a week and record this in your Reading Journal. You MUST have your reading book and journal in school every day
- SumDog – Please practise on this as it is crucial that you
maintain your learning knowledge – these games help you to maintain what you
have already learnt and maybe learn a little before we begin in class
Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Cresswell 😊
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