

Year 5,

You have finished your first half term of Year 5! Where has the time gone? This week you have worked on addition and subtraction, estimation and word problems in maths. In English, you have learnt about inspirational scientists who helped build NASA, and you have presented projects – focusing on your speaking and presentation skills. In science, you considered the phases of the moon and were entertained by the names given to these. You have also been creative when working on firework pictures. In the beginning of the week, you also worked hard to plan fieldwork for geography where you looked at recreation available in Potters Bar. You conducted great fieldwork with sketches, photographs and creating symbols for your maps. You also walked a rather long distance that morning! You participated in a STEM talk on Tuesday where you learned about the work of an ecologist, who provided a range of websites you could visit - I have included these below. 

Getting started with wildlife monitoring | Natural History Museum (nhm.ac.uk)

home / RHS Campaign for School Gardening 

You have also had the opportunity to share your amazing space projects – these have really blown me away – well done!

Next week is half term so have a lovely break and I look forward to seeing you in a week’s time.

Mrs H Cresswell  😊


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