
Showing posts from December, 2023


 Year 5, It has been quite a term! You have worked so hard and been a pleasure to teach. I am looking forward to all that is to come in 2024. Please have a lovely break over the holidays, whatever you may be doing.  Thank you very much for all of my goodies and a thank you from the whole of the Year 5 team for your generosity. We look forward to making the most of what we have received. I look forward to seeing you on 8th January 2024 well rested and ready to learn.  Best wishes, Mrs Cresswell


 Year 5, This week you have concluded your narrative in English and solved addition problems with fractions in maths. In art, you refreshed your skills with watercolour and colour blended for a winter theme. You then combined your watercolours with fine line perspective drawing to create winter landscapes. This week you have completed a STEM Christmas quiz and used coding and micro:bits to create winter themed displays. You were also fantastic in your Carol Concert rehearsal today – I look forward to seeing you perform on Monday evening. Next week is a half week. You will have a chance to watch the Foundation and KS1 performances, and to have a Christmas party. In RE, you will learn about incarnation and how it is linked to Christmas, and in science you will be learning about mixtures. Maths next week will involve reading and plotting co-ordinates, with a Christmas theme. I have not set any additional home learning this week as I would like you to spend the time practising th...

Spellings wc11.12.23

    Below are your spellings for this week. We will not be having a pre-test this week due to school's closure today. Please practise any which you are not confident with. Please put these into sentences  as well as trying a spelling challenge as this will help you remember them. This is a recap of spellings you have been working on.  bought though definitely accompany advice aisle guessed cereal babies national Ext: Changeable Exaggeration Embarrassment Incredulously Pronunciation    Mrs Stevenson's group have their individual spellings in their Home Spelling Book to be tested and reviewed on Friday. Please practise these and put them into sentences to help your understanding.


 Year 5, This week you have almost completed a narrative in English. You have written fantastic labours for Herakles and considered your grammar as you edited. In maths, you compared and ordered fractions, including improper fractions and mixed numbers. Science this week focussed on whether materials are able to dissolve or not. Your history consisted of writing fact files about gods and goddesses, and then researching about the daily lives of the Ancient Greeks. You have designed bread based on a brief in design and technology, then conducting market research to see what was most popular, and designing a final product. Today, I was really impressed with your thoughts and discussion in our PSHE session where you budgeted, worked in groups and as a whole class, and worked democratically to allocate money towards items for our Christmas donation to a homeless charity.  Next week we will be keeping you busy with a range of learning, and a few changes. In maths, you will conti...

Spellings wc4.12.23

        Below are your spellings for this week. Please practise those which you got wrong or were not confident with. Please put these into sentences  as well as trying a spelling challenge as this will help you remember them. reliably dependably comfortably possibly horribly terribly visibly incredibly respectably sensibly   Ext:     Necessarily Mischievously Agreeably Enviably Tumultuously   Mrs Stevenson’s group have their individual spellings in their Home Spelling Book to be tested and reviewed on Friday. Please practise these and put them into sentences to help your understanding.

Week ending 1st December 2023

 Hello Year Four, The children had some great lessons in my absence. They continued to work on multiplication and division in maths. The tables test today was a huge success as many children have now learned up to 12 now and are currently having mixed questions. All the children are working hard to master the tables and should be very proud of their progress. For English the children learned about singular and plural spellings and possessive s, using an apostrophe. They were able to complete their adventure stories and write dramatic endings! The focus in science was the human ear, as we are learning about sound. For Spanish they are learning to ask when it is someone's birthday and to state their own birth dates. For the ICT lesson this week the children learned the process of writing an email. We will continue to work on this next week. NEXT WEEK Maths Next week we will complete our multiplication and division block. There will be an end of block assessment and the children will ...


 Year 5, It's December! This week you have worked on lots of different things. In English, you have written about Herakles' labour being set, and his journey to the monster. In maths, you have converted between mixed numbers and improper fractions using images and then calculation strategies. Science this week combined with computing where you created line graphs using Microsoft Excel to represent the data gathered in last week’s experiment, then drew conclusions about the best insulator for Kate’s coffee shop cups, and then you move onto investigating magnetic properties of different metals. History this week has involved designing your own vase to depict Ancient Greek warfare, and you began creating fact files on the different gods and goddesses. In design and technology, you conducted market research where you taste tested different types of bread – some were more popular than others! In PSHE, you created games of snakes and ladders while considering types of bullying, the...