Year 5,
This week you have concluded your narrative in English and solved
addition problems with fractions in maths. In art, you refreshed your skills
with watercolour and colour blended for a winter theme. You then combined your
watercolours with fine line perspective drawing to create winter landscapes. This
week you have completed a STEM Christmas quiz and used coding and micro:bits to
create winter themed displays. You were also fantastic in your Carol Concert
rehearsal today – I look forward to seeing you perform on Monday evening.
Next week is a half week. You will have a chance to watch the
Foundation and KS1 performances, and to have a Christmas party. In RE, you will
learn about incarnation and how it is linked to Christmas, and in science you
will be learning about mixtures. Maths next week will involve reading and
plotting co-ordinates, with a Christmas theme.
I have not set any additional home learning this week as I
would like you to spend the time practising the songs for the Carol Concert and participating in the Sumdog competition.
You have been working on the songs for the Carol Service which is on
Monday evening. Here is the link to the video organised by Ms Lawrence: www.youtube.com/watch?v=EWc1g5zqMrQ
You have football on a Monday so please remember your second pair
of trainers (otherwise a text will be sent to parents as a reminder for full
Your Christmas party is on Tuesday
afternoon. You can bring a change of ‘party’ clothes for the afternoon if you
- Reading
– You have now all got reading books and been given your Reading Journals and
shown how to write in them. Please ensure that you read and record it at least
5 times a week. You can do the recording; it does not have to be your adult.
You must complete a Reading Journal Activity before changing your book and if
you are not enjoying your book you must read at least 40 pages and write why
you have not been enjoying it in your journal.
-- Sumdog - Please remember to use this to practise your maths. Your passwords are now in the back of your Reading Journal.
Have a lovely weekend everyone.
Mrs H Cresswell 😊
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