Year 5,
It's December! This week you have worked on lots of different things. In English,
you have written about Herakles' labour being set, and his journey to the
monster. In maths, you have converted between mixed numbers and improper
fractions using images and then calculation strategies. Science this week
combined with computing where you created line graphs using Microsoft Excel to represent the data
gathered in last week’s experiment, then drew conclusions about the best insulator
for Kate’s coffee shop cups, and then you move onto investigating magnetic
properties of different metals. History this week has involved designing your
own vase to depict Ancient Greek warfare, and you began creating fact files on the
different gods and goddesses. In design and technology, you conducted market research
where you taste tested different types of bread – some were more popular than
others! In PSHE, you created games of snakes and ladders while considering
types of bullying, their impact on others, and what can improve or worsen the situation. You then had a chance to play
them in your groups.
Next week, in maths, you will be continuing to work with
fractions but ordering and comparing them. English will involve writing about the
creature Herakles encounters, and the battle between them. In history, you will
finish creating your fact files and in science you will investigate another
property of materials.
Your project for this half term – The
Wonders of Greece
As you know, this half term we are
studying Ancient Greece in History. I would like you to study some of the areas
of Ancient Greece that we will not have time to cover in detail. Your learning
outcome could be a PowerPoint, a Word processed or handwritten project, a model
or sculpture. This should demonstrate the research you have put in over the
weeks before the deadline of Monday 11th December, when you
will begin share your learning with the class.
You could study:
- Greek
- The
Parthenon/ temples
- The
first Olympics
- The
everyday lives of Ancient Greeks
- Greek
- The
Battle of Troy (and the Trojan horse)
- The
mapping and geography of Ancient Greece
- Ancient
Greek soldiers
- Ancient
Greek Myths
You have been working on the songs for the Carol Service and requested a link to the video organised by Ms Lawrence: www.youtube.com/watch?v=EWc1g5zqMrQ
You have football on a Monday so please remember your second pair
of trainers (otherwise a text will be sent to parents as a reminder for full
- Clubs
- If you have been signed up, please ensure that you attend as numbers are
limited and demand is high.
- Reading
– You have now all got reading books and been given your Reading Journals and
shown how to write in them. Please ensure that you read and record it at least
5 times a week. You can do the recording; it does not have to be your adult.
You must complete a Reading Journal Activity before changing your book and if
you are not enjoying your book you must read at least 40 pages and write why
you have not been enjoying it in your journal.
- Spellings
– You have your pre-test on Monday and are asked to practise these throughout
the week ready for the test on Friday (they will be on the blog). Remember I am
looking for improvement.
- Sumdog
- Please remember to use this to practise your maths. Your passwords are now in
the back of your Reading Journal.
Any additional home learning provided is optional but must be
handed in by Wednesday to be marked before the next is provided on the Friday.
Remember, if your home learning is not named, it will not be marked.
Have a lovely weekend everyone.
Mrs H Cresswell 😊
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