Year 5,
Welcome back! You have returned with a real zest for learning – well done!
This week you have added and subtracted fractions, and have worked on
subtracting mixed numbers and word problems. In English, you have adapted and
written recipes for your bread from design and technology, also typing this into
Word in order to improve your typing speed in computing. In science, you
finished our materials topic by considering whether changes are reversible or irreversible,
and in history you finished our topic on the Ancient Greeks by considering what
they did for the modern world. In PSHE, you were very sensible when discussing the
topic of racism and today we spent much of our time discussing and celebrating
books as we received such an incredible range of new books for our class
library (photographs below).
Next week, you will be writing new recipes in English, this
time with a twist. In maths, you will be subtracting mixed numbers and
answering questions with increasing complexity. In science, you will begin our
new topic of Forces, and have a STEM talk linked to our previous topic of
space. History next week will look at Britain before the arrival of the
Vikings, and their arrival to Lindisfarne, and PSHE will consider the similarities
and differences between different cultures. In RE, you will continue to learn and write
about the different celebrations for coming of age; in Christianity, Judaism
and non-religious aspects, also considering what that means to you.
This week I have set your project for the half term and we
discussed what it entails. Please see the details below:
Half Term Project
Your project for this half term – Artist Study
This half term I would like you to focus your project on a particular
artist. Your learning outcome should include a written section and a creative
section which will be shared in our 'class art gallery afternoon', where we
will all move around and learn about each other's artists.
The written part could be a Word processed or a handwritten project but
must be able to be shown without a screen. Please ensure that this is your own
work and not copied directly from somewhere else (remember our learning on copywrite).
The creative part could be a drawing, painting, model or sculpture, but
must be inspired by the artist you have researched. You do not have to use the
same technique as the artist e.g. looking at a painter but creating a sculpture
inspired by a piece of their work is fine.
This should demonstrate the research you have put in over the weeks
before the deadline of Monday 12th February, when you will share your learning
with the class.
You could study (but are not restricted to):
• Stephen
• Vincent
Van Gogh
• Barbara
• Charles
Rennie Mackintosh
• Freida
You have football on a Monday so please remember your second pair
of trainers (otherwise a text will be sent to parents as a reminder for full
Your other PE day is now Thursday instead of Wednesday. You need full kit
- Clubs
– These begin next week. If you have been signed up, please ensure that you
attend as numbers are limited and demand is high.
- Reading
– You have all got reading books and been given your Reading Journals and shown
how to write in them. Please ensure that you read and record it at least 5 times
a week. You can do the recording; it does not have to be your adult. You must
complete a Reading Journal Activity before changing your book and if you are
not enjoying your book you must read at least 40 pages and write why you have
not been enjoying it in your journal.
- Spellings
– You have your pre-test on Monday and are asked to practise these throughout
the week ready for the test on Friday (they will be on the blog). Remember I am
looking for improvement.
- Sumdog
- Please remember to use this to practise your maths. Your passwords are now in
the back of your Reading Journal.
Any additional home learning provided is optional but must be
handed in by Wednesday to be marked before the next is provided on the Friday.
Remember, if your home learning is not named, it will not be marked.
Have a lovely weekend everyone.
Mrs H Cresswell 😊
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