Year 5,
Well done for this week! You have been extremely busy and
managed timetable changes etc. really well. In maths, you identified, estimated
and measured angles. In English, you planned a discussion text and wrote the
lifecycle of a species of bird of your choosing. In science, you observed the changes
in our potato plants and caterpillars (or should I say chrysalis), and
understood the reproduction of mammals; researching the different gestation
lengths for different species. Mini Police this week was bleep test and pad
work to learn about the police annual fitness tests, and in computing you
programmed micro:bits into nightlights. You have also researched Andy Warhol
and created a piece inspired by emotions linked to a piece of music. Not only
all that, but you also had a trip to Herts Young Mariners’ Base where you were
kayaking, bell boating, and participating in archery!
Next week will be busy too. You will write your discussion
text in English and continue to work with angles and shape in maths. You will
have a chance to share your maths games from your half term project, and you
will participate in Mini Police which will focus on the impacts of drugs and
vapes. On Friday, you also have the mini marathon in the morning.
Half term project – Masters of Maths
This half term, your project is to create a game for your classmates to
play which covers areas of maths that we have learnt about in class. This game
could be a quiz, or could be a board game (or a more creative idea if you have
You can focus on one topic or a range of maths which we have covered,
such as: place value, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, shape,
fractions, decimals, percentages, area, perimeter, translation and
Please ensure that you bring your game to school by Monday 20th May as
we will be playing them sometime that week.
- Monday is when this half term’s project is due
- Wednesday is Open Afternoon for parents to see your learning
- Friday is the Oakmere Mini Marathon in the morning
- Reading – please ensure that you read 5 times a week and
record this in your Reading Journal. You MUST have your reading book and
journal in school every day
- Spellings – please practise putting spellings into
sentences as well as practising them.
- SumDog – Please practise on this as it is crucial that you
maintain your learning knowledge – these games help you to maintain what you
have already learnt and maybe learn a little before we begin in class
Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Cresswell 😊
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