Year 5,
What a first week back! You spent the
first couple of days learning about Sir David Attenborough, turning this
information into a script for a documentary, and then filming and editing your
documentary about him. You spent Wednesday learning about how leisure and
entertainment has changed since the early 1900s and thought about how the World
Wars impacted this. You have also considered how music has changed over the
last 50 years. In maths, you have practised reading and problem solving with
coordinates and have translated points and shapes. Most of you have also carved
your printing blocks ready to print in the style of Andy Warhol.
Next week, you will have a chance to
print using your printing blocks, and will be applying other art techniques
learnt this year when producing a piece inspired by the ocean. You will be
learning a piece of poetry in English and in maths you will continue with
translation. Next week you will also have the opportunity to try some test papers
like those Year 6 sat a couple of weeks ago, although these will only be used
by me to see what needs more focus in maths and English.
Home Learning Friday 7th June 2024
This weekend, your additional home learning is to find a
photograph of something that lives in the sea/ocean. Please print this picture,
or email it to me using your school email address or sent via your parent. It
must be in school by Monday. Next week, you are going to re-create that living
thing using the learning you have done in art, such as grey pencil sketching
with shading and different grades of pencil, watercolours, or pastels. Please
think carefully about your choice of image so that it provides you with the best
opportunity to show these skills.
If you do not find a picture, I will be providing a few but
this gives you more freedom to follow your interests.
Half-term project – Ocean/Sea study
This half term your project is going to focus on one ocean or sea of your choice. I would like you to be able to
teach the groups you present to all about the ocean you have studied.
You must teach us about:
- the difference between an ocean and a sea
- location of the ocean/sea
- human uses of the ocean/sea
- flora and fauna of the ocean/sea
- environmental issues linked to this ocean/sea
- any other interesting things about the ocean/sea
This project can be shared in any format. It could be (but is not
limited to) a poster, model with labels, handwritten project, PowerPoint
Please hand in your project
by Monday 8th July.
- Tuesday is Team Photographs (ensure you have your kit)
- Wednesday 1.15pm is a meeting for parents to see resources used for
- Reading – please ensure that you read 5 times a week and
record this in your Reading Journal. You MUST have your reading book and
journal in school every day
- Spellings – please practise putting spellings into
sentences as well as practising them as individual words.
- SumDog – Please practise on this as it is crucial that you
maintain your learning knowledge – these games help you to maintain what you
have already learnt and maybe learn a little before we begin in class
Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Cresswell 😊
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