
Happy Friday all! 

This week has flown by. We have started our new topics and have hit the ground running. I would like to remind you all that our Sumdog competition has started today and will finish on Thursday evening. This is a bigger competition compared to the last one. Good luck to you all! Also, tonight at 9pm is the cut off for the submission of the BBC's 500 Words competition. Thank you to everyone who has entered!

I am aware we haven't had a spelling test this week, spellings will resume next week. 

Next week is Anti-Bullying Week. On Tuesday the children can come to school wearing odd socks and Friday we are having a non-uniform day for Children in Need 2024. 

Online Safety
I wanted to take a moment to address concerns that have recently come to my attention. I have noticed that some of the children in our class are engaging with online games such as Fortnite, which is rated for players aged 13 and above. Given that the students in our class are 9-10 years old, I wanted to share some information and encourage vigilance regarding their online gaming habits.

Games like Fortnite often expose players to online interactions with strangers, which can sometimes lead to inappropriate conversations, exposure to unsuitable language, or even interactions that may not be age-appropriate. Additionally, online games can foster addictive behaviour, making it challenging for children to manage their time effectively or focus on school responsibilities.

For these reasons, I strongly encourage you to consider discouraging the use of games that are rated above their age group. However, if your child is already playing or you choose to allow this as part of their entertainment, please monitor their gameplay closely. Many gaming consoles and apps offer parental controls that can help you set time limits, restrict in-game purchases, and control who they can communicate with online.

Your support in this matter is crucial in ensuring that our children are safe and responsible in their online activities. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or would like additional resources on managing online safety for children.

Home Learning

In Year 5, we will ask your child to ensure that they complete the following compulsory learning at home:

- Reading 5 times a week 

- Practising spellings each week between the pre-test and test (Test on Monday).

- Practising maths on Sumdog

- Practising times tables on TT Rockstars

PE Timetable 

Monday 1hr (Football).

Wednesday - Swimming. 

Thursday trainers only.

Next Week 

Maths - We will be converting improper fractions to mixed numbers and converting mixed numbers to improper fractions.  

English - We will continue our work around the story, The Odyssey. 

Science - To know that some materials will dissolve in liquid to form a solution and describe how to recover a substance from a solution.

Computing - We will explore the capabilities of a digital device that can be used to record video. .

RE - Prayer and self expression.   

Geography - What's it like in The Alps? 

PSHE - Anti-Bullying Week 

D&T - Bread tasting and evaluating. 

Have a great weekend all! 

Miss N Davis 



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